Chapter 2

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Harry Potter stood in front of the three-story, teetering edifice that was his second home. Well, third home, if you count Hogwarts. The Burrow always seemed as if it grew another few rooms every time Harry was there, and it looked as if it could topple over if a sizable wind came its way.

"Harry!" The voice was Ron's and Harry looked away from the Burrow to see Ron and Ginny walking quickly towards him through the thick grass that surrounded the house. Ron's face was jubilant, and as he reached Harry, he threw his arms around him. Ginny, on the other hand, looked rather nervous.

"Hi Harry," she said with a tight smile and a little wave.

He said hi back and the three trudged across the lawn.

"Let me warn you Harry," Ron said with a grin, "Mum has been cooking up a storm all day. She's convinced the Dursleys have been starving you."

Harry chuckled, "I don't mind, she's half right anyway. No one makes chicken soup like your mum."

They all ducked through the front door and into the sitting room.

"Harry, dear!" Molly Weasley maneuvered around the round table in the center of the room and enveloped Harry in an enormous hug. "We are so happy you made it! How was your trip? Was it terribly long? I tried to make Arthur go and get you but apparently he was at work, so I'm glad you're here. Would you like a cup of tea or anything?"

Feeling slightly overwhelmed, and a little strangled, Harry extricated himself from Mrs. Weasley's grasp and responded to her flurry of questions. Behind their mother's back, Ron and Ginny stifled laughs. Harry gave them a look, and then accepted Mrs. Weasley's offer of a cup of tea. Harry put his small trunk in a corner and sat down across from Ron and Ginny around the table.

"So, what've I missed?" Harry pushed his glasses up his nose and looked at Ron.

"Nothing much," Ron replied, "Fred and George crashed Dad's car again, and this time, Dad made them pay for the repairs. They're not too happy about that, but now they're off in America trying to set up another joke shop. Bill and Fleur went to visit Charlie in Romania, and Percy is working, as usual, so it's just me and Ginny here. Well, and my parents. As for Hogwarts news, I heard Seamus and Dean got in trouble one night for setting off Filibuster Fireworks in the middle of muggle London. Course they had gotten their hands on some halocrystal so I'm not sure they remember a thing."

Ginny snorted. "They don't - still convinced they were giving the muggle world the gift of fire."

"Yeah, well, it's dangerous, that stuff." Ron shook his head. "I heard they were banned in Europe because some poor sod took one too many and thought he could fly."

Harry smiled and leaned back in his chair, listening to Ron and Ginny's chatter. He was back where he belonged, where he was loved and cared about, and he had never been happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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