the devil needed a ride

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"Ok be careful, and no talking to strangers!" My friend yelled going to her apartment in the tall building.

I shook my head with a smile, she worries too much. She always thinks I would do something reckless if I wasn't under her super vision.

I tapped my fingers to the beat of the song as I drove away from the city. I lived in the city but every weekend I go and check on my grandma.

Sometimes I think she is the grandma from the story Red Riding Hood. That one day a wolf would come along before me and gobble her up. Then when I come I would have to kick his furry behind to get my nana from his stomach.

A red light caught my attention and I gasped. A fire! A car fire! I quickly pulled over at a good distance and pulled out my phone calling the police.

Once I hung up I sprinted towards the car. I couldn't get too close but I tried looking in the windows. I couldn't see any bodies so that was good. I sighed running a hand through my hair. No one was hurt.

"Meow" I gasped and looking over, on the glove box was a small black kitten meowing for help.

I hesitated before making a quick decision. I bit my lip as I pulled the door open. I held back the cries of my own as the hot metal seared my palms. I chocked on the smoke and reached across the fire scooping up the kitten. I pulled back from the car cradling the poor kitten to my chest. Tears rolled down my face as I cradled the kitten. My whole right arm was burned. The skin was starting to peel off and the cold night air made it worse.

I jerked back tripping and fell on my butt when the car exploded. I sighed seeing we were alive. I held the kitten to me and saw my whole body was shaking.

I gasped when it looked up and its red eyes met my own blue ones. I reached up to touch it, but I whimpered when the burnt skin tore bleeding out.

The kitten looked down at my red wrist. It meowed softly then I watched it lift a little paw to my arm. I cried out when it suddenly dug its tiny nails into my wounded, bleeding wrist. Blood dripped from my lip as I bit down on it to hold back from screaming. I almost flung the kitten from me but before I could I felt a different sensation.

I looked down to see something red hovering around my arm but I couldn't feel it on my skin. The kitten pulled its claws back and the red bubble around my arm soaked into me. I felt a sense of relief from my arm as it disappeared beneath my skin.

My eyes widened in slight fright, when I saw my arm was healed but there was a dark red paw print on my wrist. It was the shape as the tiny kitten’s paw like I had gotten a tattoo.

I touched my arm then traced it to the mark. I looked wide eyed at the creature in my lap, "you’re not a normal kitten are you?" I asked softly.

Before I could get an answer I heard sirens. I quickly stood up and got out of the way. A fire truck flew by to the car on fire and men jumped out, rushing to put the fire out.

After a few minutes the car was only giving off smoke. Soon one of the guys headed my direction; He had blond hair and for some reason instantly had a gut twisting feeling about him. It was like my gut was telling me to turn around and run.

He gave me a small smile when he was close enough, "I need your statement on this accident,' his eyes drifted to the kitten in my arms, 'and I better take him to keep him safe." He stretched out his arms to take the kitten from me but my gut twisted again as if telling me something. Before his hand to come close to the kitten I stepped back curling my arms around the tiny form more.

"Why do you think this kitten was in the fire?" I narrowed my eyes in question my eyes and his eyes widened slightly before he composed himself.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "Well I assumed it was because people generally bring a cat with them this late." He spoke so smoothly but I could see the irritation on his face.

the devil needed a ride (completed) (revising and editing) Where stories live. Discover now