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"WE HAVE TO GO!"----------------

'No stop,don't leave!'-------
"I'm sorry.."-------
"COME ON!"----------

'It's warm..and strong..feels nice..'
Your body shifts slightly in your sleep causing Kakashi to tighten his hold on you,the stirring ceases.His eyes open looking down upon you,the side of his lip curls slightly,as he rests his head in the crook on your neck.His hold still strong,he then noticed your hand clinging to his shirt for dear life,a smile made it's self known on his face as he leaned in kissing your hair softly.

Your eyes cringed from the little impact of the kiss making your eyes slowly open to the world around them,trying to move your body did nothing as you noticed that your newly found captain/old friend had his arms wrapped around you,and his face in your hair."K-kakashi..is something wrong..?" He shook his head slightly his eyes closed,as he still stayed in that same position.Staring up at him with wonder in your (e/c) orbs,your heart began to pound.

His eyes opened looking down in to the beauty of your soul,his hand rose cupping your cheek gently.With his other placed under your chin he brought his face closer to yours his lips inching closer to your lips.A few centimeters away he stops surprised by everything your cheeks where now stained with beautiful tears,his finger gently wipes them away "___.." he turned your head so that his lips where next to your ear kissing it sweetly his lips part once more."RUN" (e/c) orbs widen as he speaks once more "RUN!"

Something was thrown to your left a couple yards away turning your head in the direction your eyes spotted a ignited paper bomb,pushing your body to get up but it would not move {Ssssssss} Kakashi held you tightly as he pushed off the ground {BOOM!!} Landing on a branch out of the way of the explosion looking down at the now crumbling earth Kakashi released you setting you softly on the ground.

"What a pathetic excuse for Leaf ninja." A black cloaked man spoke from your right.
Jerking your head in the direction he stood a little more the a yard away,and arms folded to his chest."Kakashi... that voice"
"I know,it belongs to the man who took Rias life."He spoke coldly out of anger.
"Hey girl."His arm rose pointing at your direction."Does your body still not move to your command.?"A bit of mischief in his voice;moving his hand to his hood pulling it down reveling a half burned face from ear to ear was nothing but blotchy,gooey scoring red chard flesh."Do you see what you did to my face you little BITCH!"Lowering his head his hand took a hold of a chunk of his red hair."My face is now nothing but exposed flesh,how do you suppose I live my life now,if I can't be handsome then what is even the point of living?!"His body started shaking violently as a insane laugh started escaping his throat."Ha....Kyahahaha! If my face can't be beautiful then I shall take yours,like I did with that other Whores.."Reaching behind him he slowly took out a black knife pointing in in your direction.

Jumping off the ground he held his knife above his head with both of his hands,his diluted eyes burning though you soul,taking a step back readying a fighting stance your body froze once your (e/c) orbs met his.

"He..ah..!!!"The knife came barring down at you.Swiftly pushing you to the ground Kakashi stops the mans knife with his arm,pushing him back greatly in to a trees trunk 4 yards away from you Unfortunately shoving the knife all the way though his arm, let out a painful grunt.Falling to one knee Kakashi takes hold of his arm,you didn't realize at the moment that he was injured until the sound of blood came to your ears,shaking your head you crawled of to him."Kakashi,hold still,if we don't take it out it could get infected if not treated properly."Your hand was about to pull it out till he moved his hand away from you.

"If you take it out now I will most likely die from blood loss first rather then an infection.You sigh nodding in defeat you stand up taking out a roll of bandage tape,bending down you gently wrapped it around the knife on the wound."We haver to properly. heal this when we get back."
"Only if you are the one to heal me ___" Eyes widening you turn away blushing."R-right,lets get moving the others have to be back by now,right?"
Once again nodding his head he stands up lowering his arm to his side like nothing happend.
'Trying to act all tought huh?' you thought to your self,turning to the direction you came from you amd Kakashi began walking,that is until a hand vioently grabbed your shoulder yanking you to land on your back.Surprised by the sudden action yiur body let out a horid scream,turning around Kakashi watched in fright as he saw the man from before straddling you knife on hand to your neck.

Don't move,didn't I say before that I wanted her face exchanged for mine!?"Inching the knife closer to your cheek he bared down on it,creating a littke slit oozing blood then ran down your cheek.

"Stop this now you don't have to do this!"
​"And why should I..?

"Because of this,Heeeya!"A fist and a flash of green appears infront of Kakashis and ____s eyes landing on the mans face, smoke filling the surrounding area. you roll out of the way you quickly get to your feet next to Kakashi in the fighting stance once again.

The smoke now clearing after a few moments green fills their eyes.Standing there the one and only Might Guy,his foot in the middle of the mans face,and with. one hand on his hips and the other with a thumb up out to you too.
"Thought you guys coukd use some help,The Hokage was getting worried that you guys where in trouble so he sent a special few out to fetch you he said wirh a grin.

Sighing Kakashi lets out a little chuckle

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