Chapter 7

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*Nezumi's pov*

I let Shion sleep in my bed, while I sat on the couch, thinking. I still felt flustered from what had happened. I was staring at him, not really caring. He looked so peaceful and cute. Of course, he looked cute all the time, but now his eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted. As I was holding him not so long ago, I wanted to kiss him so bad. Though I figured it might scare him off, and I didn't want to ruin the night. I had been holding him in my arms as if I'd never done that before, which was true. I never thought I would actually fall in love with someone. I didn't care he was different. Shion was the good kind of different. He was kind, loving and wouldn't hurt a fly. Plus he was beautiful, special in his own way. I liked different, not the boring normal.

I stared at the mark on his cheek. I still hadn't had the chance to see where it ended, nor the guts to ask. Which was weird for me. Two days ago I had visited Inukashi and she said I had changed in a way. I only snorted and walked away, even though I knew she was right.


I woke up pretty early the next day. Shion had turned around and was facing the wall, his back towards me. His shirt was pulled up a slightly, so I was able to see his back a little. My eyes widened as I saw a beige colored line. My curiosity took over immediately and I softly approached the sleeping boy. I lifted his shirt slowly and careful, not wanting to wake him. As much as I could see of it, the scar curled around his body. Though after a few seconds I wasn't staring at the scar anymore, but at his smooth, pale back. I ran a few fingers over his back, sending a shiver down his spine that even I could feel.

"Shit." I murmured and backed away as Shion started to move, turning around. His eyes were only half opened and he looked at me, before looking down and heating up. His face was all flustered as he pulled down his shirt and he sat up.

"W-what did you do?!" He asked, obviously embarrassed. I grinned as I tried to look a blank as possible, at least hiding my blush. My fingers were still tingling from the touch.

"Nothing. You just woke up like that."

"You're a terrible liar, Nezumi." He said to the ground and I laughed.

"Why do you hide it?" I asked, my grin had faded. He was still staring at the ground.

"Because it's ugly."

"No it's not."

"That's not what the people of my other five schools thought."

I wasn't sure what to say. I never really was the type of person's person, but I wanted to cheer him up.

"Well, then they're all wrong." I said and he looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "What? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head, standing up. He walked over to me and I thought he was going to punch me or something, even though he didn't really look angry. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my chest. Without thinking, I immediately hugged him back, loving how warm and still full of sleep he was. I might not look like it, but I loved cuddling. The feeling of another living being in your arms. When I was really young, my mother used to hold me all the time. I rested my chin on his head, closing my eyes. I knew Shion had lived a rough past, and that sometimes crying felt really good. I rubbed his back softly.  Shion started to actually cry, soaking my shirt. Like I said: I'm not a person's person. So the only thing I could think of to do, was holding him and tracing circles on the fabric of the back of his shirt with my finger.

After a while he stopped crying and was only hiccuping slightly between breaths. He mumbled an "I'm sorry", which was barely audible. I sighed an "it's okay" back.


We sat next to each other on my couch, shoulders brushing. I had made us tea, well with Shion's help, since he was pretty good at making tea somehow. His hands were cupped around the mug, carefully sipping his tea. His sleeves were pulled up over his hands, leaving only his fingers uncovered. It looked incredible cute.

I, on the other hand, was simple holding the mug in one hand while my free arm rested on top of the couch. I tried not to stare at Shion from the corners of my eyes, but that was pretty hard. I was quite sure he noticed me glancing at his lips now and then. Something that I wasn't sure about, was whether Shion actually liked me. It could be possible he was just comfortable like this. What if I kissed him? Would he be so scared and embarrassed he'd run away? Probably.

"Hey Nezumi." Shion said after a while, breaking the silence and I hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm going back home."

"What?" It left my mouth quicker than I had meant to. I furrowed my brows and set my, now empty mug, on the table.

"I just want to check on my mom, that's all."

"You want me to come with you?"

"No, it's fine."

I stared a him, while he gazed at my chest, avoiding my eyes. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No don't worry!" He said quickly, looking up, finally meeting my eyes. "I just need some time alone. I've never been away from home so long, with someone alone."

"I can leave you alone here." And here I was already looking for a thousand arguments to keep him here.  I've been living alone for a long time and I was fine with it, but now that I had spent my time with someone, I realized how much I needed someone. How much I actually needed Shion. He smiled at me, his eyebrows knotted sadly. He probably saw the sadness in my eyes, which I tried my best to hide.

"I'm sorry, Nezumi." He stood up and put his mug down. He smiled at me again, before leaning down and softly pressing his lips against mine, his eyes closed. I didn't close my eyes, nor did I move. Not even when he said goodbye and left quietly. Not even when the tears left my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. I wanted to run after him and drag him back, keeping him here in my arms. I wanted to dance with him again, to see those beautiful red eyes shining in the moonlight. I hadn't even known him for too long, but I knew that I needed him.

Was what he said true? Did I do something wrong and was he just lying about it? Then why did he kiss me? He kissed me. I traced a finger over my bottom lip and smiled. He'd come back. I told myself. And if he didn't then I'd go to him.

Thanks for the likes, comments and blablabla

Sorry for the late update, I was distracted by tumblr, reading, Anime and having no wifi for at least three freakin days!!

Anyways, may the piano version of this is gospel always be in your favor.


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