Gone like the Bullet from this Gun chap 2

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I knew that Mustang had a bullet proof vest on but the jolt still shocked him. My eyes narrowed at him.

I shot my gun at Mustangs shoulder, instantly seeing the blood soak into his blue dress shirt.

"Son of a bitch!" Mustang yelled grabbing his right shoulder. I smirked.

"You!" he said placing a bullet in my right shoulder. I shrugged it off walking over to Mustang's desk.

"Don't forget about last January Mustang. I can handle a hell of a lot more then you. Now hand it over." I growled the last part. He got the key from around his neck and pulled the frame of his dog off the wall revieling the vault. He opened it up and pulled out five large packages. I pulled the wad of money out of my pocket placing it in his hand as he placed the packages in mine. I smiled. Garret opened the door for me and we were greeted by Aussie.

"Damn Anne!" he said shoving all the packages to Garret and pulling me into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not that bad." I said looking down.

"No it's bad." He said taking the tweezers out of my shoulder and placing it next to the one that he had gotten out of my thy.

"Not really." I said looking down. He pulled my chin up and looked in my eyes.

"It. Is. Bad." He said trying to clot my wounds. The one on my thy clotted right up but the one on my shoulder wouldn't.

"Don't worry. I'll have Leo stich it up when I get home. You're being dramatic. I'll probably only need a stitch." I said hopping off of the counter.

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