04: HELL NO!!

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You're the most popular guy in the school, you should know!
Hmm! Amanda Foster right?
Hey, Devin can you please stop beating about the bush. I say. I dont even know why you called me to meet up with you?"

You're so cute when you get angry, he days as he flirts shamelessly with me.

I look around to make sure no one is staring us. I dont want any trouble from his "red-head attack"girlfriend"!

I'm waitimg, I say impatiently

You know, the first time I saw you I was like this girl is hot. And seeing you up close has made me fall madly in love with you.

What? You love me? And think I'm.... I mean, what about your girlfriend?

Girlfriend?, he exclaims with a very innocent look on his face. Who told you that?? Oh, I get it! You think Karen's my girlfriend?? She's my little sister!

I eye him, studying his face carefully. Half of me is screaming YAH!!he wants to be your boyfriend and other half of me is screamimg, HELL NO!! Girl, you deserve to have your own man, not the leftovers of this Karen girl!

If what you're asking me is to be your girlfriend, I have an answer that will excite you, I say.

I pick up my bag, walk to him, give him a quick kiss on his forehead and proudly say HELL NO! and walk out of the place.

Aaargh! This is certainly not my thing! Cleaning floors, washing dishes, laying beds, etc. So not me. Reading fashion magazines, setting fashion trends, watching Project Runway. Certainly Amanda Foster. Too bad, I'm the only child and I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life!

Hey girl, what you've been doing lately?

I was busy writing in my diary about "you-know-who", when I
had a call from my BFFS, Jessica and Sarah!

Nothing much. I really miss you guys!

Well so, any cute guys in your new school?

I smile as I remember Devin and quickly frowned. After thinking through the matter, I came to the conclusion that

A● I really like Devin and it would certainly be a plus to date the most popular guy in school.

B● I dont want to be the other woman. As the beautiful girl that I'm (if I do say so myself) I deserve to be in a relationship where I dont need to worry about my boyfriend's other girlfriend finding out.

C● I should at least get to know him, and find out whether he loves me or just wants to get into my pants.

"Yeah! There's this cool guy I met called Devin and guess what?"

What? I hear my BFF'S say on the other end of the phone.

He asked me to date him, when we've just met once. ONCE!! Looks like a playboy to me! I say through gritted teeth.

Well, follow your heart. Thats all I've got to say, I hear Jessica say.

Same here, Sarah adds.

Well, I'm gonna continue writing in my diary then I'll call it a night!

Hey people!
Are the chapters too short or long??
Please comment on it so that I know what my fans want
Lately, I've been all over the place searching for inspiration for this book.
I honestly dont know how this story is going to turn out!
But hey, you move with the flow.
:) ellie

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