Austria x Reader

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Hetalian_Kiku_Honda requested an Australia x Reader, but since i had my friend help me with it before she moved, and i can't reach her now, i made a Austria x Reader instead... i hope you like it...

Visits to Mister Austria's house were frequent because of your friendship with Hungary. Usually you helped her clean, occasionally just watching her. But today you were walking down the halls of Austria's huge home wondering how Hungary always kept it so clean. She had invited you over today because Austria had given her a day off and you two were playing hide-and-seek at the moment. You were looking for Hungary since you were the counter and you were completely lost. Some musical notes drifted down the halls of the house and you figured that Roderich was playing his piano. It was a soothing piece that you hadn't heard before. You quickened your pace, wanting to find the source of the beautiful notes you were hearing.

While you were searching, you ran into Hungary. "Found ya~!" You said, smiling.

She looked at you. "He's been practicing that piece for days and he never lets me in that room when he's playing it. Do you want to go in there and see if we can find out why?"

You rolled your eyes and smiled a little. "Sure, why not... it's not like you're hiding anymore... and I was on my way over there anyway.. Well, at least I was trying to find my way over there." You giggled. She smiled and grabbed your hand, gently pulling you along with her down the hall and up a flight of stairs. After a few more seconds of being tugged around you were finally standing outside the doors to Roderich's piano room. You two smiled at each-other and mouthed the words, "One... two... three!" As you got to three, you quietly pushed the doors open and saw Austria sitting there in front of his piano finishing the piece.

Suddenly he began to mutter to himself. "She would never like me. (Y/N) is too... nice..." You widened your eyes. He was talking about you. You quickly and quietly stood up and got out of the room with Hungary following you.

"Well, now we at least know why he doesn't let me listen in there when he plays that piece..." Hungary said. All you could do is nod.

***time skip brought to you by prussia's awesomeness***

Later that evening you were sitting on the floor of Hungary's room with her on her bed. You two were discussing what happened earlier that day with Roderich and she was suggesting that you make a move on him.

"I think that you should show him that you care for him. Maybe get him some flowers from the garden... or maybe be extra nice to him." She suggested.

Your face reddened. "Well... maybe I could be extra nice to him... although I don't know if he'll know that I like him back." You said as you messed with your hands and looked down.

She tilted your head to the side. "Hmm... you're right. Maybe... if you're up to it you could... give him small touches here and there? Like, brush your hand against his... or lightly lean against him when you listen to him play the piano?"

You contemplated it for a moment then nodded. "But, can I sleep over tonight?"

"Of course. You can take the room next to mine if you like." She said, smiling a little.

"Sounds good to me!" You said as you prepared yourself for the next day.

***le time skip brought to you by Romano's pizza***

The next morning as you were in the kitchen helping Hungary prepare Mister Austria's breakfast you were constantly thinking about how you were going to go about with the plan. You figured that you would follow him into his piano room and sit next to him as he played, lightly leaning against him like Hungary said.

***time skip to piano time***

You followed Austria into his piano room and sat down on the bench next to him. He rolled his shoulders slightly and you gently leaned against him while he began to play a song on the piano. It was the song that you had heard yesterday when you and Hungary went snooping. You watched his hands intently as they played out the notes beautifully.

After he finished the song you were still leaning on him and he said quietly, "I wrote that piece for you, (Y/N)... did you like it?"

You nodded, smiling a little. "I loved it..." You said as you leaned up and kissed his forehead. His face turned a light shade of pink and you smiled at it. "Anything you play is beautiful."

He smiled slightly with the light blush still dusting over his cheeks. "Well, thank you. I appreciate the compliment... but I have something important to tell you..."

"Mmm?" You replied, looking up at him.

"Well... I have feelings for you. And... if you don't mind me asking..." He said quietly as he rested his palm on top of your hand, "Would you be mine?"

You smiled up at him. "Yes... I would love to."

Little did you know, Hungary was watching the whole thing.

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