Japan x Reader

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 leroyhook requested this one~

You sat underneath one of the sakura trees in the park a couple of blocks down from your house. The deliate pink petals were slowly drifting all around you. You were calmly reading the second to the last of the series that you were nearly done with. A breeze drifted by you, and you let out a gentle shiver. You stood up, putting a bookmark in your manga, and put it in your book bag. As you walked down the path to go home, your phone buzzed. You stopped walking and leaned against the trunk of a tree. The text was from Kiku and it said, "Hello (Y/N)-san. I was wondering if you would like to come over to my house today."

You giggled at how formal he was, even when he was texting. "I would love to." you texted back. You put your phone back where it was and finished the walk home.

***Le time skip of sexy jacket getting***

You knocked on the door to Kiku's house, now wearing your (F/C) jacket. He opened the door, and stepped to the side.

"Herro (Y/N)-san. It's nice to see you." he said to you.

You smiled. "It's nice to see you too, Kiku. So, did you invite me over for any specific reason?" Your eyes widened slightly. "I didn't forget your birthday, did I?"

He shook his head. "No you didn't. My birfday isn't for anoder two weeks."

You breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, good... so... was there any reason why you invited me over? Or did you just want to see me?" You said as you went over to the couch and sat down.

You could see his cheeks redden a tint as he looked down. "I just wanted to see you. Wourd you rike any tea?"

"Nah, I'm good..." You said. He walked over next to you and sat down with red cheeks. You looked at him shocked.

"Are you feeling alright Kiku? You look a little red..."

He messed with his hands. "Werr... dere has been something that I wourd rike to... to terr you..."

You tilted your head to the side, wondering what it could be that he would want to tell you that he would get so nervous about. Suddenly he took your hands in his and you looked up at his face with a slightly surprised look on your face.

Quietly, he said, "(Y/N)-san... I have... riked you for a whire... I understand if you do not return my feerings... but I just wanted to say that before you get asked by someone else to be theirs."

You sat there stunned. Kiku was holding your hands, and he just confessed to you. And here you were thinking that this would only happen in your dreams. "C-can you close your eyes for a second Kiku?" You asked him quietly. He closed his eyes and you leaned forwards and lightly pecked his lips. His eyes snapped open when he felt the pressure on his mouth and he pulled back slightly. You blushed and looked down at your hands. "Sorry... I just... I'm not good with my words... so I just wanted to show you how i felt..."

It was quiet for a second. "It's arright... but... wourd you rike to be my girrfriend?" KIku asked you.

You looked up at him and widened your eyes slightly. "Yes!" You exclaimed, smiling a little. He gave you one of his rare smiles and let go of your hands once he realized he was still holding them. You two spent the rest of the afternoon sitting under the kotatsu table and drinking tea, talking about manga.

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