My baby's birthday

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Michael's Point Of View:

My alarm goes off at 7:30am. I groan and turn it off. I wipe my eyes and look at the ceiling. Get up, Michael. I look over at my six year old daughter, Lilly, next to me asleep. I smile. Today is my baby's birthday.

I lean over and kiss her forehead. I sit up and yawn. I stretch my arms and stand up. I open the curtains, letting the sunlight wash over me. My eyes strain from the unexpected heat. My eyes focus and I see the busy New York street. Another day. Another chance to make a change.

I walk over on Lilly's side of the bed and gently shake her. I yawn before saying,

"Come on, baby. Time to get ready for school."

She groans and turns over. I giggle and yell,

"Happy Birthday, Lilly!"

She shoots up and looks at me. She begins to laugh.

"Daddy! You scared me!"

I laugh. "Come on, baby, you have a big day today! Who's 6 years old?"

She jumps on the bed and says,

"I am!"

I smile. "That's right! Now, get dress."

She nods. "Okay!"

She runs into the closet. I go into the bathroom and piss. I flush the toilet and wash my hands. I wash my face and look into the mirror.

I think my vitiligo has reached it's point. It can't get any worse. Lilly understands the disease. She started asking questions when she was four. I knew I'd have to explain to her what was happening to me.

I just hate it when people stare and ask if I adopted her. She's brown skin with light brown hair and she has my eyes. She also has my sense of humor. Anyway, her mother was light skin, so that's why she isn't as dark as I was.

I brush my teeth and floss. I walk back into my room. This apartment has one bedroom and one small bathroom. The whole place is pretty small. It's all I can afford. I'm trying to provide for Lilly. I really am. It's just so hard, but I never give up and I never will.

Lilly puts on her dress shoes. She's wearing her favorite pink dress. I smile.

"Beautiful, Lilly."

She blushes. "Thank you, daddy!"

"Go into the kitchen. I'll be there in a minute."

She nods. I walk into the closet (its a very small walk in closet). I grab my blue jumpsuit with my name tag sewn into it. I work at Freeman's Auto Shop. The job is horrible, but it was the only place that'll hire a highschool drop out like myself.

I put on my work boots and walk into the small kitchen. I grab the orange juice out of the refrigerator. I pour Lilly and I a glass. I hand it to her. We clink the glasses and drink the juice. We always do that. It's our little tradition for another day.

I put the strawberry poptarts into the toaster. I check my black velcro watch. We have 20 minutes left. The toaster pops up and I grab the hot poptarts and put them on a napkin.

"Hurry and eat up, honey. We're running out of time."

"Okay, daddy."

I get her pink bookbag and put her folders inside. I put it on the table and get my wallet and phone.

"Done daddy!"

I look at the poptarts. She ate half of both of them.

"That's all you want?"

"Hmm mhm. "

"Okay, well go brush your teeth. Hurry, hurry."

She runs into the bathroom and looks back at me.

"Sing the song, daddy!"

I laugh. Her favorite movie at the moment is Mulan and she loves the song that guy sings while training the soldiers. She loves when I sing it.

"Okay, but start brushing your teeth."

I grab her bookbag and walk over to the bathroom doorway. I lean on it and watch her brush her teeth. I begin to sing.

"Let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns, did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons. You're the saddest bunch I ever met, but you can bet before we're through, mister I'll make a man, outta you!"

She flosses and sings with me,

"Tranquil as a forest, But on fire within, Once you find your center, You are sure to win you're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot and you haven't got a clue somehow I'll make a man out of you!"

I help her put on her bookbag. Her favorite part is coming up. She loves when I act out each character's line. She looks up at me with a sparkle in her eyes.

I pretend to be trying to catch my breath, as I sing,
"I'm never gonna catch my breath!"

I pretend to cry as I sing, "Say goodbye to those who knew me!"

I pretend to be trying to jog, as I sing, "Boy, was I fool in school for cutting gym!"

I pretend to be surprised as I sing, "This guy's got em scared to death!"

I pretend to be a girl as I sing, "Hope he doesn't see right through me!"

I pretend I can't swim as I sing, "Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!"

We leave the apartment and I lock the door. We walk toward the elevator while Lilly sings back up as I continue,

" (Be a man) You must be swift as a coursing river
(Be a man) With all the force of a great typhoon
(Be a man) With all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon!"

I press the down button.

"Daddy, that was perfect as always! "

I bend down and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, honey. I love you."

"I love you too!"

We ride the elevator down to the first floor. When the doors open, Lilly asks,

"Are we still getting my bike today?"

I nod. "Of course, baby. It's your present. "


I laugh. We walk down to the bus stop. I check my watch. We made it just in time. The school bus comes around the corner.

"Have a wonderful day at school, okay honey? I love you. "

"Okay daddy! I love you too!"

She gets on the bus. I watch the bus drive down the rode and turn. I check my watch again.

Crap! I'm late now! I take off running toward my job.

NouisJackson hope you like chapter one! :)

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