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Michael's POV

I begged Martin to watch Lilly. He agreed, but only because he's grown a friendship with Lilly.

The cab pulls up to the mansion. I get out and say,

"I got it from here. Here ya go. "

I pay him the tab and give him $500 as a tip. I have way to much money. And I know how it feels to have a crappy job and dealing with ungrateful people. His eyes light up and he says,

"Holy moly! Thank you so much! This is the best tip of my life! "

I smile and say, "No problem. Drive safe now. "

He nods and drives away. I turn toward the huge house and walk up the steps to the door. I knock. The door opens and Hugh looks at me. I smile and say,

"Hello, Hugh. Um, is Carolina here? I need to speak with her. It's urgent. "

He says, with his strong British accent, "Come in sir. "

I nod and walk inside. He says, "She's in her office. "

I nod again and say, "Thank you. "

I walk the way I remember and make it to her office. I knock on the door.

"Come on in, Michael. "

I open the door. I walk inside. I ask,

"How did you know it was me? "

She says, "Brandon had called me three weeks ago and told me what happened. I figured it was a matter of time before you showed up. Please, sit. "

I take a seat. I say, "Mrs. Clifford, I made a mistake. Brandon didn't seem to be upset about the kissing he's more upset about the reason it happened. I wasn't thinking and- "

"Shh shh, Michael, I know exactly what happened. He told me everything and he told me exactly what was said. Also, you may still call me Carolina. Now, Michael he's upset mainly because of his father. But he doesn't know it. "

I ask, "His father? What happened between them? "

Carolina says, "Oh, I'm not sure I'm the one who should tell you. "

I start to beg. "Please, Carolina, I love your son and I can't live without him. I don't know how to fix this if I don't understand. "

She sighs and says, "Well, fine, but only because I know you two will make it. "

I scoot my chair closer to her desk. I've been waiting for so long to hear this. She says,

"Brandon's father, Mark, was a very good business man. He quickly made his business number one. Brandon wanted so bad to be like him so he always hung around that building. Mark was teaching him the ropes and took him on business trips. I thought it was the perfect way for them to bond. Boy was I wrong. "

She sighs and continues, "Mark was a terrible influence on Brandon. Mark, who suffered with his sexuality, cheated on me multiple times. He had affairs with men and women and sometimes at the same time. All while he was away on "business".

One day, Brandon confronted him, because he learned that doing what he did was wrong. Brandon then told him it was OK if he was gay. Mark it him so hard. "

Carolina's hands were trembling.
"Mark soon enjoyed hitting Brandon. I had no idea this was happening. Brandon was too scared to come to me. He thought it was gonna stop, but it never did. One day, Brandon decided to defend himself. That was a mistake. Mark had the guy he was sleeping with, help him beat Brandon. Brandon was helpless. "

I shake my head and ball up my fists. Carolina gets up and walks around her desk. She sits in the chair next to me and puts her hand on my fist. She says,

"Brandon hates it when people explode suddenly and he doesn't like it when people use to much hand gestures. He told me how he sees his father in you. "

I quickly say, "I'm nothing like him. He has to see that! "

Carolina says, "Shh, Michael, I know that. Come back tomorrow and we'll settle this. Alright? "

I slowly nod. I hug her and get up. I can't believe his father would do such a thing. What a fucking coward! Tomorrow everything will be settled. Tomorrow.

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