First Kiss Complications and more...

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Michael's POV

Brandon leads me to an ice cream parlor. This place is small and cozy. There are armchairs inside as if this was a small bookstore. I smile.

"Take a seat, Michael. I want to surprise you."

I nod. I sit down and look around. There was no one around. The only other person in the small parlor was the employee. He looked about 20. Brandon and the employee had a small conversation then Brandon walks over to me.

Brandon sits very close to me and crosses his leg. I smile and scoot away a little. He looks at me and says,

"What's wrong? "

I look at the employee who has our ice creams. I lie and claim the reason is,

"The ice cream is here."

Brandon looks at the employee and smiles. He says,

"Thank you, Jake."

He smiles and nods. He goes back to the counter. Brandon hands me the cold ice cream. He says,

"It's called Golden Medal Ribbon Ice Cream. It's vanilla and chocolate with a swirl of caramel ribbon. It's really good. I got the same thing."

I nod and taste the ice cream. I look at him and say,

"It's really good."

He smiles and licks his. My heart starts to beat faster. Junior is waking up. No!

He keeps eye contact the entire time. I feel myself moving closer to him. He starts to leans in to kiss me. I'm about to go through with it, when I cut my eyes to the left and notice a man staring at me. I quickly back up from Brandon. Brandon becomes irritated and says,

"I knew you were ashamed of me! This has never happened before. Is it the way I dress? Is it my hair?"

He gasps and continues, "Is it because I'm an open gay man?"

I look at him and ignore everything he said. I cut my eyes back to the man watching us and say,

"That man is staring right at us and I don't feel comfortable. "

Brandon turns and looks out the window at the man. He puts his ice cream bowl down and stands up. He looks at me and says,

"I'll be right back."

"What? He could be dangerous! Let me go see."

He smiles and says, "I know this man. And he looks drunk. I'll be right back."

I stay seated and watch Brandon go outside. I notice its starting to rain. Brandon starts talking to the guy. The guy looks upset. Is he crying? He hugs Brandon. Brandon seems uncomfortable, but awkwardly hugs him back.

I ball my hands into a fist, when I see the man trying to kiss Brandon. Brandon forces the man off of him. I put my ice cream down and run outside to Brandon. Brandon looks at me and I say,

"Are you okay?"

He nods. I look at the other guy and see him on his knees. He begins to beg Brandon.

"Brandon, please! I need you! I can't live without you! My life is empty without your presence! "

What the hell? Who is this guy? I start to feel a little jealous. Stop it Michael! Brandon says,

"Dan, stop it! You're causing a scene! Get up! You don't need me. You're just drunk."

Dan starts to cry again. Brandon sighs and says,

"Will you stop it! Dammit.... Jake!"

Jake comes running out of the parlor.

"Yeah, Brandon? "

"Could you please make sure Dan gets home safely. "

Jake nods. Brandon grabs my hand and quickly pulls me down the street. We make it to this alley. It's raining pretty hard now. Brandon stops walking and takes a deep breath. I finally ask, having to yell a little because of the loud rain,

"What was that about? "

Brandon turns to me and says,

"Dan is an ex....well he's a one night stand who became my friend. He's never done that before.... But, Michael, I have no feelings for him what's so ever. That happened months ago. This was the first time that ever happened, I swear."

I smile and say, "It's okay, Brandon. It caught me off guard, but it's fine."

Brandon smiles and walks toward me. I smile and look around to make sure no one is watching. Brandon took it the wrong way and said,

"Michael if you're ashamed of me just say it already. I don't want to be led on. Just tell me now so I won't waste my time."

I sigh and quietly say, "I'm not ashamed of you...I'm envious of you! "

He looks at me surprised and confused. I confess,

"You can be who you are without caring what others think. I'm ashamed of myself! I couldn't even go to the movies without hiding myself! I...I...I-"

Brandon puts his finger on my lips. He smiles and says,

"It's okay, Michael. I understand how you feel. You don't have to explain anymore."

I sigh in relief. He runs his hand through my hair. I blush. He smiles and pulls me closer by my jacket. This is it!

I pull him even closer to me by his waist. He leans in to kiss me. I lean in. Our lips meet. My heart beats faster. I'm kissing a man! This is wrong, but it feels so right!

He wraps his arms around my neck. My hand moves to his lower back. I back up until my back is on the wall. Brandon moves his hands to my chest. He starts kissing my neck.

I let out a soft moan. He kissed my sweetspot. He whispers,

"You like that?"

I nod. He continues to kiss my sweetspot, causing me to moan louder. I feel like he's giving me a handjob. My sweetspot is very sensitive. He continues, knowing what he's doing to me. He begins to suck on my neck. The rain only makes it more pleasurable. My eyes roll back. It feels so good. My legs feel like jelly. My body begins to shake a little. I let out a loud long moan.

Did I do what I think I did?! I think Brandon knows what I did, because he smiled big and kissed me once more on the neck. I shudder.

He says, "Let's get you home."

I don't say a word. We walk back to the theater and get in his car. I'm completely embarrassed. I can't believe I cummed in public. And in my pants!

He puts his hand on mine. He says,

"I hope you enjoyed it. You're the first I've done that too on the first date."

"The first to what? Make cum on the first date?"

My voice sounds more irritated then I wanted to sound. He smiles and says,

"Sadly no, but we'll talk about that later if you want. You're the only guy that I haven't... Had sex with on the first date."

I say, "That was basically like sex..."

He chuckles and says, "Trust me, Michael. That's nothing like sex with me."

My face turns red and I look out the window. Well, this was quite an interesting first date.

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