Intro: The sign

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Mortimer sat in his closet sized office leaning over a piece of parchment, he was sleep deprived, had hours of work to do and was sitting staring at a scroll he had on the table. He was pondering how to explain, in the letter, that the divine mages needed to step up their defenses or the elemental mages were going to walk all over them.

He looked up slightly as a knock came at the door in front of him, he couldn't imagine who would bother him at this time of night and attempted to ignore it.

"Sir, the man, who calls himself crow, is here to see you." A voice said from the other side of the oak door, Mortimer sighed, recognizing the voice of his assistant.

"Tell him to leave!" Mortimer called. "I don't want him causing any more trouble!"

"B-but sir he says it's-" His assistant barely had time to finish before the figure appeared in front of the door, Mortimer jumped and began to cower slightly as the massive figure walked toward him, his black robe billowing behind him as he did so, the shadows following him like sheep and covering everything in translucent blackness.

"Don't be so alarmed Mortimer." The figure said as Mortimer tried desperately brush the shadows away. "You know I only use them to see what I can no longer." The male figure leaned in closer his heavily wrinkled, unclean face inches from Mortimer's. "I mean you absolutely no harm." The figure then stood up and brushed the mound of gray and black hair away from the coarse piece of cloth that covered his eyes.

"You should leave crow," Mortimer said, wiping the pool of ink off the table he sat at and setting the pen in the ink vial. "You've already caused enough trouble and paperwork for me as it is."

"Ah, so my prediction came true?" Crow asked.

"Unfortunately yes, Crow you used to be a valuable resource but ever since the alchemists started attacking people think you're associated with the dark mages. It's caused quite a stir."

"So, I'm guessing you don't want to hear what I have to say?" Crow turned, his robe swaying behind him.

"No, I don't want to hear another of your predictions, unless it's some good news for once!" Mortimer scowled, again leaning over the blank sheet of parchment.

"You will soon obtain a great power." Crow said softly, Mortimer noticed the hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Crow don't play games with me." Mortimer said. "If you're going to tell me something against my wishes at least be honest."

"Oh but I am, just watch Mortimer, you'll soon see."

"What do I look for?"

"Not what, whom, is more important."

"Who do I look for then?"

"Just be vigilant Mortimer, you'll find out, one way or another." Crow then disappeared, but the shadows that further darkened the room stayed, swaying as if bored or relaxed.

His assistant walked in, hesitantly awaiting a moment he could speak. "S-sir," The assistant muttered. "Is there anything you'd like me to do?"

"Tell the seekers to stay by the gates, anyone with a high mana trace, bring them to me." His assistant nodded and ran off, Mortimer looked back at the parchment and jumped as a large blotch of red ink seemed to suddenly appear. It slunk, drooped and spun until it read save the boy.  Mortimer looked at it gravely, he yelled out the phrase as a question, but the only response was the dancing of shadows, mocking and laughing at him.

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