Chapter I

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AN: Hi there :)) this book is a Larry genderswap book so Louis is a female and Harry is a male (heterosexual sex). Louis will be played by Stella Maxwell. Thank you for reading, please give feedback and enjoy xxx

"This is your new home girls!" My mom announced clutching onto Rob's (my new step dad) side "I know it's not a house but this penthouse has 3 bedrooms so it's enough for all of us"

"I hope I have my own bedroom because no way I'm sharing with these two" I interrupted looking down at my two younger sisters who were playing with their dolls on the floor.

"Yes Louis your room is the first door in the left upstairs" Rob tried his best to sound friendly but I wasn't haven't it. The only reason we are even here in France is because of him so why I should I give him the soft shoulder.

I took the most of the bags that I could carry and went upstairs. The room wasn't bad at all, it had an amazing view of Paris, a big window bench with a large cushion on top and an en suite bathroom. The one wall was decorated with pictures of France and the other one behind my bed had empty frames.

I started to unpack while I listened to music on my iPod. A few hours into unpacking my mom walked in, making a beeline to the sheets that were laying on the floor.

"I know this move is tough for you" she started while putting the fitted sheet on the bed "but make the best of it, think of it as a new start as a young lady"

"Mom no one starts a new school on their senior year! I'm going to be a freak"

"Stop being a drama queen, you're going to be fine" she smiled at me softly then carried on making the bed.

"Easy for you to say, you've moved across the continent to be with your stupid  boyfriend and it's not like you've left any friends behind"

"I had friends back in England and have some respect for Robert!" I rolled my eyes immediately after she said that "your supper is ready and Robert ironed your school uniform for you"

"Excuse me what? No way I'm wearing uniform to school"

"Yes you are it's part of the school rules" with that she walked out of my room making me groan loudly. I fucking hate this place.

When I got downstairs everyone was already sat at the dinner table eating their lasagne.
Lottie and Fizzy were sitting to the right of Rob while mom sat on his left leaving me a space in between her and Fizzy.

"You finally came down! Uncle Rob made supper" Lottie enthusiastically announced with food in her mouth, ew.

"Don't speak with food in your mouth Lottie" I said,for the millionth time in my lifetime.

I took a bite of the lasagne and I ashamedly have to admit it was really good, nothing like my real dad's food,but good. My mom cleared her throat while looking at me, indicating that I should thank Rob.

"Thanks for the food Rob" I said with a fake smile then looked down at my phone.

"So tomorrow I'm going to take you to school girls then Lottie and Fizzy you two have aftercare until 5 then Louis none of us will be home so you must go to the apartment next door, 256, Harry, Rob's close friend will babysit you" I simply nodded as she carried on about tomorrow and how she was excited about her new job.

Once I was finished with my supper I dumped my plate into the dishwasher then grabbed my uniform before heading upstairs. I took a shower and changed into a new pair of panties and an old t-shirt.

I pulled out a secret book that I kept hidden from my mother ,because of the content, and started reading. The book was about a 25 year old suburban woman who was having an affair with the pool cleaner. In the book she talks about her sexual experiences with this hot pool cleaner and goes quite in depth about her orgasms.

Back in my old school no one really spoke about sex or sexual frustration (neither did my mom) so after I found this book laying on a chair in the train I started to get really curious about sex.

I started with clenching my thighs together whenever I was wet and I only got confident enough a few weeks ago to rub over my panties. This chapter was getting really heated as Bertha's, the 25 year old cheater, husband had gone out on a business trip for a week.  Bertha has just told the pool cleaner so she escorted him upstairs to her bedroom.

"We were now grinding on the silk sheets that my husband and I once had sex in, but the idea of this being a sacred part of my marriage made this experience more exhilarating. Patrick (the pool cleaner) lifted up my cocktail dress and dug his masculine hands into my thighs. He pulled down my underwear and placed his hot tongue upon my clit, licking it at a fast pace. Almost like he feared my husband was going to walk in."

Like that last line was my cue, I clenched my thighs together then played my left nipple making me moan softly. I then spread my legs apart before grabbing one of my stuffed animals to rub myself with it, I moaned a few more times (internally hoping those sounds didn't leave this room). Once I felt satisfied I rolled over and prayed that my first day of school wouldn't be bad.

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