Chapter II

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The school uniform wasn't all that bad and luckily I wasn't there when they bought the uniform because one set of the uniform was 2 sizes too small. I put on my knee highs and school shoes lastly before I grabbed my new backpack and headed downstairs.

"Morning everyone" I said walking over to the fridge and rummaging for something to eat. Everyone was busy with their own things while I bent over to look for the frozen waffles.

When I looked over I saw Rob spilling his coffee all over his newspaper.

"Can i be excused?" He quickly stood up and went upstairs.

"Lou I think you should go put on the other set of uniform... I think you're making Rob uncomfortable" mom said with a worried facial expression

"No I'm not he's just clumsy" she gave me a warning look "plus if I go change I'll make everyone late"

"Okay then.. Here's your lunch and breakfast, you and the girls must head down to the parking lot I'll be there soon" she handed me my lunch bag and croissant sandwich. The girls and I quickly got to the basement parking lot and got into the car. I tried my best to ignore them since they spoke about pointless things like their favorite show, Violetta.

The car ride to school was nerve wrecking as I thought about all the bad things that could happen at school today. I was the first one to get dropped off because Lottie and Fizzy would need mom to go inside with them.

"You'll have a great day Lou" mom kissed my forehead before I left the car with my blazer on and backpack on my back. The school looked really nice and posh. I nervously walked to the reception earning a few glares from some of the girls which made me even more nervous to get to reception.

At reception there was a lovely lady named Jacqueline who gave me a time table and  my locker combination. When the first bell rang headed to the left wing where homeroom, my first class, was.

When I got to class I was the last one there and woah my mom wasn't joking when she said ALL girls. The girls were all in their own conversations when I walked in so I went straight to the teacher.

"Hi Ms" I glanced at my time table, looking for her surname "Claremont I'm Louis Tomlinson the new student" she looked up from her laptop and smiled at me.

"Oh yes we've been expecting a new British girl" she shook my hand then calmed the class down in French "class this is our new student, Louis ,she's new to France so please be welcoming to her"

"Bonjour Louis!" The whole class said in unison

"Okay Louis you can go sit next to Eleanor in the second last row" I thanked her before walking over to the empty desk by the back. Ms Claremont started talking about the senior outing that was going to happen at the end of October then dismissed us to do whatever we wanted until next lesson.

"I'm Eleanor by the way" the girl next to me introduced herself with a thick accent

"Louis" I said with a smile

"I love your accent" Another girl next to Eleanor said "I'm Kim"

"Hi" I squeaked from the nerves

"She's the school... Hmm what do you call it in English?" Eleanor looked over to a girl with short pale blonde hair

"A slut, I'm Haley I moved here from America last year" Haley shook my hand then sat on her desk so she could face me.

"You hook up with one teacher and suddenly you are a slut" Kim defended herself, I giggled at that statement wondering if she was really being serious.

"He was old and a faculty member" Eleanor stated with a smirk on his face

"He was only 26 and a PE teacher what is you point?"

"Il n'a pas été moral, Kim" Eleanor spoke French faster and I had no clue as to what she was saying .

"Eh bien au moins je ne ai pas un fétiche publique!" The three girls started laughing while I looked at them dumbfounded.

"It's okay you'll end up understanding French at the end of the year" Haley reassured me. The rest of the lesson was actually enjoyable as the French girls had no qualm with talking about anything sexual or crude. They were also really funny and knew everyone's business.

The day went surprisingly fast which led to the part That I had been dreading the whole day; taking the bus home and staying at Rob's friend Harry until mom came home. The bus ride wasn't all that bad since Eleanor offered to ride home with me but the scariest part was heading to Harry's apartment.

What if Harry was rude or an uptight French man who had designated places I could sit, hopefully Harry has food for me because I'm getting hungry. All these thoughts floated in my head as I knocked on the man's door.

The door was opened after a while and instead of a middle aged man in a pullover, a hot man showed up shirtless, in basket ball shorts and a snapback on backwards.

"Was I supposed to pick you up from school?" The man had a concerned facial expression but his voice was sexy slow and British.

"Hi I'm Louis Tomlinson, I'm looking for Harry Styles, Robert's friend?" I asked looking  around behind him. He scratched the back of his neck, eyeing me up and down in a foreign (to me) manner.

"Harry Styles is mr... Your mom made it seem like you were 12" he opened the door further for me to step in. I cautiously walked into the strangers house and eyed everything.

"Yeah I'm not 12... I'm surprised that you're British"

"Born and raised in Cheshire" he said walked towards the kitchen, giving me his back muscles to view "um so I have some toaster strudels if that's okay"

"So healthy" I mumbled to myself while eyeing an abstract painting on his wall.

"I also have cable so you can watch tv if you like or maybe you can choose a DVD in the cabinet" Harry pointed over to the long cabinet with endless movies. I nodded my head in response then walked over to the tv and turned it on. I changed to lifetime and settled on dance moms. Soon after Harry came with two toaster strudels on one plate and a tub of ice cream.

"I'm not sure if chocolate ice cream goes well with blueberry toaster strudel but I promise I'll have better food tomorrow" he smiled at me showing his beautiful dimples before going back to the kitchen. He quickly came back with a banana and coffee for himself.

"So are you an artist or do you collect a lot?" I said, trying to make conversation so that Abby Lee shouting at one of the moms wasn't the only person speaking in the penthouse.

"I paint and I'm also a photographer, all of the paintings around the place are mine" he peeled his banana carefully while he stared at me. "How old are you again?"

"17 years old" I blushed because I'm probably way to young for him... Why  am I even thinking of dating him?!?

"Your mom made you seem like you were 12 or something" he said with no emotion in his voice.

"Yeah she does that a lot...So how do you know Rob again?" I asked curiously as to why Rob would know such a hot guy that didn't look middle aged.

"I used to work at a bakery that he owned back in Holmes Chapel, we become friends after a while" he took another bite of his banana then rubbed his legs.

"So are you guys the same age?" I blurted out curiously "oh sorry! That was so rude of me please don't answer that question" he simply laughed then quickly chewed his banana to answer me.

"No,I'm 25 years" he laughed again then turned his attention to the tv. While he watched the tv ,so enticed by it, I couldn't help but stare at him, imagine how his bare torso would feel around me and I couldn't go without noticing how long his fingers were and how he played with the two rings on his fingers. He would occasionally rub the sides of his mouth with his thumb and index finger and whenever he laughed his muscles would flex showing off his tattoos.

When five o'clock came I was slightly wet and suddenly I was excited to be baby sat my Harry Styles, every day.

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