Chapter III

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When my mom came to fetch me from Harry's apartment she had a brief conversation with him which was mainly her thanking him. That night at dinner I hardly said a word while everyone else at the table told stories about their day. The only time I had a full on conversation was when I was with my mom washing dishes while the other three sat in the tv lounge watching some show on bbc lifestyle.

"So what do you think about Harry?" She asked with a smirk on her face while placing a wet dish on the rack

"Well he's cool, we didn't speak much just spent our time watching dance moms,"

"He's quite the looker though" she winked at me then nudged my side, making me awkwardly laugh

"Ew mom he's like half your age!" She gasped at that statement then looked at me playfully horrified

"I'm not 50! And I was just saying..."she shook her head with a disbelieving smile "so how was school?"

"It was cool, the girls are really great and extroverted and the teachers aren't very strict since there's a few of us,"

"That's lovely, you see France isn't all that bad" she smiled at me then pulled the plug so the water could drain.

"Yeah but I miss England and all my friends." I pouted then started packing the dry dishes away. We didn't say much after that and once the dishes were finished I bid a goodnight to everyone then went upstairs to do my homework.

That night I had continuous dreams about Harry, everything about him from his body to his assertive and igniting personality.

The next morning I woke up with and urge to spend more time with Harry so everything I did was at a haphazard pace, thinking that if I moved faster the day would go faster. School was the same as the previous day which was Eleanor, Kim and Haley updating me about everything. I realized that I was starting to become closer with Kim since she was so open minded and I could talk to her about anything.

The most exciting thing that happened was in music, first of all our music teacher was aesthetically cool and he looked like he was straight out of a 1960s music festival. He had a great music taste and he even made music theory fun.

By the end of the day I had a lot of homework and on the bus ride back to our apartment building I was already planning on topics I could talk to Harry about.

When I knocked on his door he came out faster than yesterday but to my dismay he had a floral short sleeve shirt on.

"Welcome back Louis," he stood aside once again for me to walk in and this time I made my way straight to the couch "how was school?"

"Decent" I said awkwardly, I was still trying to get used to him.

"Well good thing it's decent and not bad" he said then laughed at his own sentence, which made me raise my eyebrow

"What, did you not like school?"

"I hated it," he took out what seemed to be a blunt and a Rolling Stones lighter "but stay in school kid" he winked at me then lit the blunt,

"I'm not a kid" I defended myself, since I was 10 months away from 18, a full grown adult!

He blew a puff of smoke then stood up completely ignoring my statement. Feeling a bit irritated I followed him into the kitchen, where he was taking out those already made pastas and putting them into the microwave.

"Why are you ignoring me, I'm almost an adult like a full grown women" I crossed armed across my breasts then gave him a stern look.

"I'm sorry princess but adulthood doesn't always mean age sometimes it's experience and wisdom," he smoked a couple of puffs of the joint before the microwave was finished and he was handing me my food.

One would say that Harry is harsh but after conversing with him about controversial topics after lunch, I realized he was very strong minded and humble. He was like an onion and he had so many interesting layers about him which I wanted to know but all he saw me as was an inexperienced child.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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