Fuyuhiko kuzuryuu x reader Cheater

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   Idea from XxNanitaChanxX  thank you bae!

"Come on slow poke!" "Shut the fuck up im coming!" (Dirty mind is dirty mind ! ) I let out a small laugh as i dragged my best friend fuyuhiko kuzuryu around town. "So were are you gonna drag me now?" He asked obviously aggravated  "....i dont know..." I hung my head . He  looked at me and stopped walking "your kidding right" ".....no- wait a minuet LOOK!" I pointed to a near by arcade were inside a dance revolution was. I grinned and we both ran in. "Ill beat you~" "in your dreams (l/n)" i stood on my side and he on his and started the game. It was actually very hard because i let him pick the song. And the asshole he is just had to pick the hardest song on here. "You look like your having a hard time" "....shut up!" I sighed angrily and started trying as hard as possible. At the moment he was winning and he nows I'm a sore loser. I started getting the hang of it and started signing along . "Does that make me crazy for loving youu~" He looked at me for a moment and said "how do you know this song" "i know tons of songs how do YOU know this song" "i just pressed the hardest one" "FUCKING KNEW IT- OH COMBO!! I Win!!" The player one screen came on and i laughed triumphantly "rematch" he said "yeah whatever " "ok lets do a volcaliod song..." "Nooo" " world of mine is a go!" The song started and people started to crowd around "the girl will totally win" "nuh uh" i laughed at the arguments until i saw fuyuhiko was winning "....no" the game started to progress faster and me being as clumsy as ever tripped. In a attempt to catch me fuyuhiko tried to grab my arm but ended up falling to. We landed in..a awkward postition. I grinned and kissed him (WOW PLOT TWIST NORMAL READER CHAN NEVER KISSES ANYONE FIRST!) everyone cheered and clapped and we both got up and looked at the screen and i won agian...somehow...fuyuhiko looked at me with a bright red face and said "cheater"

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