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The sad, crazy movie that seems to have nothing wrong, right?

Rant in 3...2...1..

Why drop a freckin priceless diamond in the ocean? What the heck? Even if she was old you could be rich. Seriously, Rose. Does anyone else wonder that, or is it just me?

When she was lying on the doorframe and Jack was in the water, why not move over? Then they could have both lived. But no, Rose had to hog it all.

Why why why why why why why did they have to do the s** scenes? It's really unerving. My older cousin was watching this (I was just sitting there watching Percy Jackson Death Part 1, Its so sad I cried). I looked up and there was a fogged car and, well, you get the idea.

This movie has major issues. Sorry for all of you who have watched it and ship Jose (I think that's it), but really, think. It's one of the weirdest out there.


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