"One day or another, your secrets are going to be found."

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"Told you I'd get her," Jack muttered to his friends when they spotted a certain brunette making her way towards them. Nate groaned, rolling his eyes. "Look, man, we get it. You were the first to the deal. But that's not the whole deal."
"And I'm going to fuck her first," Andy cut in, his brown hair falling into his eyes when he leaped up. "Over here, Andria," he called. The brown-hair parted and a nervous face peeked out. She walked the last few feet quickly, avoiding the other students entirely. "Hello."
She stiffened when Nate casually looped an arm around her shoulders. "I have to go soon," she muttered, trying to shrug it off without being too obvious.
"You just got here," Jack argued, attempting to sound persuasive. "Going already?"
"It's already 3:15, and it's a thirty minute walk to my house," she explained, slipping out from underneath Nate's arms, her eyes darting from each of them to see how they would react to her words. Andy grinned, flashing a blinding smile on her. "Well that's a simple solution! We have a car. You're alone. It wouldn't be very gentlemanly of us to let you go home by yourself, now would it?"
Nate murmured agreement while Jack just nodded slightly. "We can talk for a few more minutes."
"I really have to go now."
"I said that I would meet you here," she interrupted. Immediately, she flung her hands across her mouth, looking mortified. A nerd never interrupted a Jock. "I mean," she whispered around her fingers nervously. "I mean, you promised."
Nate gave Jack a disgusted glance. "And what did you promise?"
He didn't respond.
"What did he promise you?" Andy asked Andria, his eyes narrowed.
"H-He said I could meet you and you wouldn't bother me."
"Are we bothering you?" Jack questioned suddenly, towering over her, his fists clenched threateningly.
"No," she squeaked, terrified.
"Dude, what the fuck was that for?" Andy whispered furiously at his friend. Jack glared at him. "Fuck off."
He raised his hands peaceably. "I'm not trying to cause trouble, bro, I just-"
"Then fucking shut up."
"Okay, man." Jack was the leader of their group, and Andy knew it. But threatening a defenseless girl...
"I really should be going," Andria said suddenly, then turned around before they could say anything. She walked away, leaving them open-mouthed.
"Did she just fucking ditch us?"
"She's a nerd, she's shy, she wouldn't dare," Nate protested. Jack flexed his fingers. "Whatever the hell she just did," he said in a low voice, almost a growl, "I'm going to make sure she regrets it."
"There's no need to go so far," Andy argued. Nate stared at him. "The fuck, dude. You falling in love or something?"
"Don't joke about this," Andy warned. He took a deep breath and drew Nate with him over to the fountain, leaving Jack out of earshot momentarily. "Did you fucking see what he did back there?"
"What are you talking about?"
"That asshole scared her. He fucking threatened her right in front of us. Look," Andy added, seeing as Nate was about to go. "I'm not against fucking a random chick. But you know his temper. If something like the last time happens, there's no getting out of-"
"I know," Nate interrupted quickly, looking around to see if anyone had overhead. "But he's not stupid. He won't hurt another girl."
"I fucking hope you're right," Andy muttered as Jack started walking towards them impatiently. "I so, fucking, hope you're right."
He couldn't believe it. The nerve it took for his dad to actually enroll him in a new school, cheat on his mom, and to blame him for all of this?
"Mom, I fucking swear, he was lying," Rory promised. His mom shook her head, tossing the phone past his shoulder, onto the couch. "Your father would never lie to me, Rory."
He saw a flash of anger in her eyes and wondered, does she know? as she said almost as if to convince herself, "He would never lie to me."
"Mom, I-"
"I had friends back there, too," she pointed out harshly. "You're not the only one who's left things behind."
"I know, mom." Better not to tell her. Better not to let her break.
"He wasn't lying," she said softly, hopefully. "But you would never have raped someone."
"No, mom, I told you, I fucking swear. I've never even fucked with-"
"Be quiet!"
Her sharp command tore through him. Never in his life had she raised her voice at him. But now, because of his dad, because of that bastard, his mom was mad at him for the first time in his life, the cause of which wasn't even his fault.
"I'm sorry, Rory," she apologized, but her voice was distant. "I'm going to my room now. Don't disturb me unless it's an emergency."
"Sure, mom," he managed to choke out. "I won't."
Five minutes later, he was on the phone with his father's attendant. "Yes, this is Mitch, Mr. Aren's uh, receptionist. He sent me on an errand for him. I need all the recordings you have of Ms. Piper, the boss, all the times she checked in, and at what times she's left. Thank you."
Two minutes later, the details were set, and his plan was in motion.
You can't lie forever, dad, he mused. One day or another your secret's are going to be found.
School Nerd is defined by two or more words, were Andria's thoughts as she walked home through the oncoming rain. She swung her bag over onto her shoulder, flipping her hair out of her face. The first two being, Unpopular and smart.
Those were the only two words that mattered. And they were pounded into her head repeatedly, every day at school.
At home, she walked in, twisting the knob so hard she was surprised it didn't break.
A robot going through her daily motions was what she seemed like, as she dropped her bag on the floor and went into the shower with trembling legs.
She leaned back her head blissfully as the spray soaked her hair thoroughly.
Massaging her scalp with the shampoo, she rolled back her shoulders and sighed as the water ran in rivulets down her back.
Stepping out of the shower, she welcomed the instant cold, wrapping her body in a towel and drying her hair before reluctantly pulling her clothes on and dragging her bag into her room.
Not the typical nerd, she thought, continuing her train of thoughts. She didn't enjoy homework. She detested it.
And after being held up by the Jocks, she felt strangely rebellious about just doing it.
So she took out a pencil and a paper.
Hesitating, knowing that this could get her killed if the paper got out at school, she threw aside the paper and instead, turned on her laptop.
Google Docs.
Was it worth it? It was.
The keyboard was immediately attacked by her fingers.
The Reason, she labeled it, leaving her name as Anonymous. In the event that someone would take hold of this... She shuddered at the thought, but continued her writing.
Why are the nerds hated, the Jocks loved, the cheerleaders likewise encouraged? Who contributes more to society, intelligence or strength? Strength might contribute in war, but intelligence would probably stop the war from happening. Strength may provide entertainment, but is that really a reason to be chosen over what may save the world one day? After all, has any Jock or Cheerleader ever found what E equals, or how to go to the moon, or even how to build the stadium they utilize?
And even during building, strength is replaced with machines. There is more to the world than strength. Underneath everything is a subtle hint of intelligence. And only those brave enough may embrace it.
Thus implying that the brave ones are not foolish, are not just strong, and not just good-looking. This said, brave ones may even be... Nerds.
She leaned back in her chair and surveyed her words. Part of her marveled at the thought that one part of her had fight, but the other half cowered away from Society.
Longing to scream her desires, Andria poured them into her fingers, displaying them with nimble hands into the screen.
Finally, she looked at the time and gasped. She'd spent more than an hour arguing her point and then meticulously going back and editing every detail. Inhaling deeply, she let out her breath and typed slowly the last paragraph, pouring out her emotions.
Even if I could change my life, I wouldn't change the world by doing so. Even though I'm bullied, shoved, harassed, looked down on... I'm not going to change. I'm proud of being a Nerd.
Fuck them all.
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in one word is a picture
- @stelewolfe -
Finally, Andria is brave enough, if not to say them out loud, to say them on screen.
Jack is still being a jerk, but are his friends turning against him or not after seeing his dark side emerge- once more?
And Rory needs to work things out with his dad before things go downhill-fast.
If you liked this chapter please don't forget to vote the little star at the bottom of the screen! This helps authors a lot when trying to promote popularity with their stories. And if you hate any characters personally, comment and tell me your feelings!
Here's to another chapter, from your favorite author,

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