The Beginning

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Ok, so I know you read my diary probably expecting some super juicy stuff. I mean it is a diary. So this is where is begins.

After school I had to walk home alone because I was doing my "scraping job" or whatever. So I walk into the front door and turn the knob. Locked.
"What the?" the door is usually open after school so that me and Terra can get in. Weird. So I walk  to the back door and it's open and I walk in.  I hear a faint, but loud, sobbing sound. I walk through the halls and my sister's room is open, I peek in, no one. The bathroom door is closed and the light is on. I slowly walk closer and closer to the door as the sobbing grows louder and louder. The smallest beam of light is cast on the wall from the smallest crack in the door.  The door was unlocked. I placed my hand on the knob getting ready to pull it open. I closed my eyes bracing myself for what I would see. I opened the door rapidly, and there, sprawled on the floor is Thea, crying her eyes out and holding in her hand what looked like a weird thermometer. She stopped crying and looked up, as soon as her brain caught up to what was happening she barked at me, "REESE!  GET THE HECK OUT!" she literally leaped over and slammed the door in my face. I could hear her breathing on the other side of the door, sounding like she was about to cry again.

I could hear her breathing quietly but heavily behind the door . What was that all about? Oh well. Just teen drama I guess.

A couple of hours later I'm in my room doing my homework when I hear my door slowly creak open. I turned around and Thea was leaning on the doorframe with the house phone in one hand. Her eyes were red and she was sniffing like she had a runny nose. 

"Resse. Mom said that she'll be home late tonight so... yeah."

"Cool." I replied and turned back to my homework.

I heard the door slowly creak closed and shut. After a few seconds, I heard it open again, "Reese...I know that you saw it. So now you know what's going on. Why I've been so...hormonal. 

I had no idea what she was talking about but I tried to laugh it off, "Hehe aren't you like that all the time though.."

She looked at me with an outraged expression," Reese! This isn't time for jokes, this is serious."


"Yes! Very serious! You are so stupid sometimes."

"Ok, fine. I don't know what's wrong with you so I'll just ask mom when she gets back."

"NO!" Reese yelled, "No! No! No! You can't tell mom a word!" She got in my face and her tone got more serious and she held out her pinky, " Sister swear it right now!" I looked at her pinky and blinked,"Now Reese!"

"Fine! Gah! Just stop yelling at me." I licked my pinky and crossed mine with hers.  It's our Sister Swear. Don't ask questions, it's embarrassing enough as it is.

"I hope you know that we are in this together now. You can't rat me out, now." 


"Alright so I might as well show you." She started digging through her pocket.

" Show me? Wha-" she brought out that weird thermometer again 

"Here" she handed it to me and I took it from her (sweaty) hand

"Um? Where's the temperature?" I turned it over. 

" Temperature?" 

"Yeah?... I don't know why you don't want mom to know your sick..wouldn't you get out of school? Unless you got oral herpes or something hahaha." I looked up at her expecting to see her laughing but her lips were closed tight, in a straight line.

" What's wrong with you?" I asked, I sniffed the thermometer,"Eww gross! What'd you put on this thing! Ick. Well it's positive your sick. The thing says positive."

She snatched the thermometer away from me and glared at me with tears in her eyes," I thought you'd be supportive! You know what? You are the worst sister in the world! I came to YOU, my little sister, of all people for help! And you make fun of me and my baby!"

"Your baby?"

She waved the thermometer,"Yeah! The pregnancy test told me about it."

Oh. I guess it's not a thermometer.

"Pre-pregnancy test?" I whispered touching my lip

"I hate you!" Thea yelled, with tears streaming down her face as she stormed off.

Once the reality hit my stomach sunk like a rock.

My sister is pregnant. MY sister is PREGNANT. How? Who? What?

So many questions racing through my head 

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