Bruises Chaper Three

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  It’s been about a week since Ryder and I’s conversation at the Lima Bean, and tonight we’re going on our “First” date. We decided that if we were going to start over, why not? Santana’s going to watch the kids for me while we go out.  I’m just worried about the kids and what they think. I hope they don’t think I’m trying to replace Andy, I mean, I kind of am but not in a bad way… I would never admit this but, we need someone to take care of us and help fix us.

 “Hey Mike, Rachel! Can you guys come here for a minute? I want to talk to you about something.” I yell to them.

“Momma! What do you wanna talk about?” Rachel asked me.

“Okay, so guys, as you know, mommy has a new friend… Is that okay with you?” I ask them.

“I really, really, really, like him!” Rachel said cheerfully. This made me feel a whole lot better.

“I like him too mommy… Do you like him? Like ‘Like-Like’ him?” Mike questioned.

“I am so, so, so, so glad to hear that kiddos, I like him very, very much. He’s very important to mommy.”

“Are you important to him mommy?” Rachel asked.

“I hope so, babygirl. I’m happy you guys like him.” I answered as the doorbell rang.

“Why don’t you guys see if that’s him? I’m going to go check on Auntie Sana in the kitchen okay?”

“Okay Momma!” They both yell at me as I walk into the kitchen.

“Okay, so you know where everything is, Rachel goes to bed at-“ I instruct Santana walking into the kitchen but she cuts me off.

“Rachel’s bedtime is 7:30, Mike at 8:00. Dinner at 5:30 then baths as soon as their done.”

“You can’t forget-“I start but she interrupts again.

“To sing to Rachel or else she won’t fall asleep, plus I have to read them a story together or else Mike won’t sleep. Rachel needs her Star pillow and Mike needs his Teddy bear. Plus I have you and Ryder on speed dial and Sam and Rachel and Mike are just a call away…”

“I know. I just-“

“Jesus girl, I don’t think I’ve seen you this nervous since Sectionals your sophomore year… Calm down. This isn’t the first time I’ve watched them remember? I know what I’m doing.”

“I know. And let’s not let me relive that traumatizing event.”

“Okay, so you have a quick glass of wine or water or something to calm yourself and I’ll go free Pretty Boy from the trouble makers.” She instructs me as she walks out. As I reach up into the cupboard to get a glass for a cup of water, an arm snakes around my waist and a hand reaches up and grabs the glass for me.

“You look beautiful.” Ryder whispers in my ear.

“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I tell him turning around in his arms.

“I’ve been told that you’re stressing.”

“I just-“  I start, but he cuts me off.

“Don’t” He says simply, kissing my nose. “It’s going to be fine, they are going to be fine, Santana is probably one of the best people to watch them, and we’re going to have more fun than you’d imagine… so stop worrying… It’s all going to be perfect… And if it’s not, I’m in trouble because pinky promised Mini Rachel it would be.” He assures me.

“I’m trusting you on this Ry, I haven’t left them like this in a while you know.  Maybe for a girl’s night, but not a date.”

“Marls, I know. They are going to be fine… I promise.” He swears looking me in the eyes.

“Okay, besides, the kids like you… a lot.”

“How do you know this?”

“We had the mommy has a new friend conversation before you got here.” I explain.

“How did that go over?” He asks curiously, we had decided to wait to have the discussion with the kids together but I thought it should come from just me.

“Better than I thought it would. I told them that I was going out with a new friend tonight and asked if that was okay with them, and they said they really like you and then they asked if I ‘like-liked’ you and when I told them yes and that you’re important to me and make me happy they asked if I was important to you and if I made you happy and I told them that I hoped I did.”

“Wow, and just when I didn’t think you couldn’t get more amazing. Most moms freak out when they have to have that conversation.”

“Why thank you.”

“And for the record, you are more important to me than anything and you make me happier than anything in the world.” He admits kissing my forehead.

“I told you Mikey!!! He really likes her too!!”  Rachel screeches from the doorway of the kitchen.

“Whatever Rachel! I knew anyway.”  Mike replies.

“Santana! You supposed to be watching them!” I yell.

“My duties do not start until you leave, so therefore, YOU were supposed to be watching them.”  Santana replies snarky.

“Okay, Okay. Claws away ladies. Come on Momma Bear, Let’s get out of here. “Ryder says grabbing my hand and leading me to the door.

“Bye Mike, Bye Rachel! Be good for Auntie Sana. Call us if you need anything Santana.” I say.

“Don’t call her Santana, call Mercedes or Sam, then decide if calling her is really necessary.” Ryder corrects what I told her.

“You got it Pretty Boy.” She jokes.

“And stop calling me that!”

“Never. You’ll always be pretty boy to me… Have fun, and Marley, Relax or else I’ll call Berry and Wilde to reprimand you.” Santana says as Ryder opens my door.

“Why thank you, and I don’t appreciate you changing my orders.” I tell him as he climbs in the driver’s seat.

“Well, if I told her she could call you, you’d be worrying all night. If you know she’s got Mercedes and Sam as back you’ll be less stressed. “

“And you know this how?” I ask curiously.

“Because I can read you like an open book Marley Rose. Always have been able to and always will be able too.”

“Whatever Pretty Boy, Just Drive.”

“Pushy much? And don’t call me that!” he reprimands me as he pulls out of the driveway.  I hope this turns out alright.

Bruises (A Glee Ryley FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now