Mr. Silent Texas

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                              PROLOGUE.    (4-12-9)

Fifteen year old Sam Texas flinched back as his father whipped him across the back . . . again.

"Stop Jacob! Please stop!" His mother screamed sobbing.

Sam's back was already bleeding from the harsh metal buckle from the belt.

"Stop! It was my fault!" His mother Areas screamed.

Finally exhausted his father stopped and with one push to the butt sent Sam flying forward. He hit the ground with a thud and stayed there not saying a single word, not crying, and not even blinking.

"That'll teach you," His father Jacob laughed.

Sam just laid there while his mother begged his father to go into the next room.

When he did Areas rushed to her son, sinking to her knees beside him, helping him sit up, crying silently.

"Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry," She sobbed.

Sam didn't speak only put his arms carefully around his mother giving her a hug.

Despite hating his father with a vengeance he loved his mother dearly and would protect her with everything it took.

Sam had stopped talking when he was twelve, because every time he opened his mouth his dad would beat the crap out of him.  Of course even if he didn't say anything he would still get beat but not as much. Sam was now fifteen and even though he was as tall as his father he didn't fight back, didn't lift a hand because he knew if he did his father would start hitting his mother and he just wouldn't let that happen. His father had warned him so and the few times Sam did fight back his mother had paid the ultimate, so he stopped fighting and his mother stopped getting hit.

"Oh, Sam, honey I'm so sorry, so sorry," His mother sobbed as she rushed around the room picking up bandages and the likes.

Sam didn't look at her as she went to work on his back.

His mother was a nurse which was good because his father would never allow him to go the hospital even if his arm was broken.

Sam didn't care anyway. He was beyond caring. He was a drop out from school because he was hurt so much that everybody would know what happened and his father was a respected man in the community and goodness forbid if everybody found out he treated his son like garbage. Sam winced silently as his mother applied pressure to his back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Areas kept repeated over and over, sometimes whispering it sometimes crying it. Sam's heart twisted from hearing his mother’s broken voice.

                                                  PRESENT DAY.

Twenty four year old Sam Texas watched silently as his boss talked to one of his team mates. Sam was a FBI now. After leaving home he had went back to school and in a few short years had achieved what he set out to do.

Sam glanced away when his boss Nathan Hangover looked over at him.

Nathan frowned at him and Sam shrugged returning to look at him again.

Nathan caught him watching and rolled his eyes.

They were good friends, even though Nathan was his boss, Sam really liked the guy.

Nathan hardly knew anything about Sam's background but Nathan had never pushed about it. He got the feeling it was painful.

Nathan watched out of the corner of his eye as Sam inched back into the shadowy part of the room when a man and a woman entered. Nathan knew Sam was not a people person and Nathan couldn't figure out why.

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