Chapter Six

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For the next week Sam and Jasmine were run ragged, going from murder scene to murder scene, studying the cases, catching a few Z's in their office when they could. They hadn't had ten hours of sleep the whole week.

"This is not working!" Jasmine yelled flinging the file she was reading across their office.

Sam looked up from his file and smiled faintly at her.

"Don't worry Mac, we'll get this guy," He said yawning.

Both their faces were drawn and pale, with black bags beneath their eyes.

Their boss and a couple coworkers didn't look any better.

"But when!? He's going around killing innocent teenage girls" Jasmine shouted, tears smarting her eyes.

Sam stood and went over to her.

"Don't worry, we'll get him, I promise you that," He whispered and hugged her.

Jasmine couldn't stop the tears that slipped out.

She put her arms around his neck and just gave in to the cry.

After a little bit she pulled back and wiped her face.

"Sorry, it's just getting to me," Jasmine said taking a deep breath.

"Me too, me too," Sam sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"How's your mom?" Jasmine asked as they gathered up the file she had thrown.

"Good, dad's not been bothering her at all," Sam shrugged a little mystified.

"That's great," Jasmine said and smiling tiredly at him.

A knock sound on their door.

"Come in," Sam called.

Nathan their boss entered and watched as they finished picking up papers.

He arched an eye.

"Slipped from my fingers," Jasmine said and Nathan nodded.

"Go home and sleep then get back here. You're not doing me any good half dead yourselves," He said and left.

 "Let's go sleep at my parents house, I want to see them," Jasmine said.

Too tired to argue Sam nodded.

Ten minutes later they walked up to the door.

"Looks like Art and Ash are here," Jasmine said as they entered the house.

"Mom!" Jasmine yelled.

"In the living room!" Jane called back, a grin spreading across her face.

But when Jasmine and Sam entered Jane's, Davy's, Art's and Ash's mouth all dropped open in shock.

"You look like death warmed over," Art blurted.

Sam flinched.

"Not funny," He said tiredly.

Art winced.

"Sorry man," he said.

Jasmine kissed her parents hello and Sam flopped on the couch.

Jasmine flopped next to him and yawned.

"It's horrible," She whispered.

"We'll find him," Sam said in a low voice as his eyes began to close.

Jasmine leaned back against him and nodded, her own eyes starting to close.

"You guys look like you haven't slept in how long?" Jane asked.

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