1: Moving In

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Author's Note- Hey, thank you so much for stopping by. Just a quick note. While I totally appreciate that the Avengers are, for the most part, American, my experience of American college is incredibly limited beyond what I've seen on the tv. Rather my student experience has been shaped a lot more by British universities and all their weird, little ways (or maybe it's just the university I go to). Anyway so, before I confuse everyone, this story is less of a college AU and more of a... what if the Avengers went to a British-style university and how would their first week pan out. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy it!

Oh, and also none of the episodes of drinking featured in this story have been previously tested- at least by either me or people I know. Therefore I would highly recommend not trying any of this at home or at uni/college or, well, anywhere... Enjoy!

Holding onto her coffee cup with a grip that could kill a lesser person, Maria Hill stared wearily out over the campus's crowded main square.

"Another year, another fresher's week," she said, reaching blindly for the sugar bowl. "More fresh meat." 

Her companion only grunted from where he sat opposite her. A fellow third year; this was Nick Fury's second year as a freshers rep. The previous year had ended ingloriously enough with a student under his care having his stomach pumped and another quitting university after only a day. Rather than winning the fabled Top Flat of the Week award in Blue Block- one of the university's many basic accommodation facilities- Nick had almost ended up with disciplinary action and his application to rep for the following year brought under scrutiny. Only with enough gentle persuasion had the university council allowed him back.

"You reckon you can do it this year?" Maria had to ask; not that she was disappointed by her friend's answer.

With a steeliness to his sleep-deprived eyes that only gave his surname credit, Nick looked up from his scribbled down plans; as ever, his black fringe falling over to cover his left eye.

"I know I can do it."


"Need a hand with that?"

Steve Rogers had only taken a step through the block's front door and already he was being accosted by an eager little man in a freshers rep t-shirt.

"Phil," the man introduced himself, awkwardly jostling with Steve for the cardboard box in his hands. The little man proved victorious, although he nearly dropped the box on his foot as Steve's face came into better view.

"Dr Rogers?" he gasped.

"It's just Steve Rogers," Steve said, quickly, just about saving his belongings. "I still have another year or two of my Ph.D. left." 

"I- I read your thesis on peacekeeping organisations. Very inspirational," Phil continued to blather. "I do Political Science too. I mean, I'm still an undergraduate, but I was thinking of doing my dissertation on-"

"You know where Flat 2 is?" Steve had to cut in, even just to allow the other man the chance to breathe.

"You're in Flat 2?" Phil looked crestfallen. "Not Flat 5?"

"... No..."

"I guess you're with Nick Fury then. Good luck with that."

Before Steve could get anything else out of the man, one of the ground-floor doors opened, revealing a young man of about eighteen, with spiked up black hair and a small goatee. 

"Stop trying to steal my flatmates, Coulson," the man cried, grabbing Steve by the arm and dragging him away from the other man. "Do something useful like... help your actual flatmates."

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