First Morgan, then Reid.After about a week of Reid not showing up, we became worried. I mean none of us even expected for him to say yes in the first place.
He wouldn't say yes, if he didn't have a plan.
I called JJ.
'Yes, can you go by Reid's apartment?'
'Actually I'm just about to knock'
'Ok, could I speak with him'
'Yes I'll call you back, he's not answering'I bit my lip, this is not good. First he said yes to our idea. Second he called asking for Lauren's number.
So I called Lauren.
'This is agent Hotchner'
'Oh, so why are you calling?'
'What agent Spencer Reid talk to you about, when he called you?'
'He wanted to know the number'
'Thanks' I ended the call frantically.I put my phone down and went to get a drink of water. Hoping to calm my nerves. I heard a ding, signaling a text. So I looked down.
JJ: He traded himself for Morgan.
Upon reading this, I dropped my glass. Causing it to shatter, sending water and glass all over the floor.
I groaned, and went to clean it up. Hoping Jack wouldn't wake up.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Someone said from above me. It was jack, great. I looked up. "Nothing bud, go to back to bed." I told him. He did as I told him, and went back to bed.
I texted JJ back: We should deal with this in the morning, it's to late for me to get a sitter.
I heard another ding, and looked down.
JJ: Ok, I'll tell the team to be there by 9:30
Deciding today was stressful enough, I went to bed.
I walked into the Bau.Everybody was already around the roundtable.
"So why are we here?" Kate asked.
I looked at JJ and she nodded.
"Last night," I said. "We discovered that Reid has traded himself for Morgan-" I paused waiting for the gasps.
"Yet we still have no clue to Morgan's whereabouts." I finished.
As if on cue, the phone rang.
I excused myself, and went to answer the phone.
"Hello, is this Agent Hotchner?" The person asked.
"Yes, who are you?" I replied still a little wary of the mystery person.
"In life we fear the unknown." He said "So why would I tell you my name, when I could be the unknown, your fear."
I grew agitated more and more, with every word he said.
"Fine, then why are you calling me?" I said pinching the bridge of my nose.
Instead of giving me a reason, he gave me an address.
"What's this for?"
No response, just the sound of a phone call ended.
~I walked back into the room. With an address on a piece of paper.
"Who was that?" Rossi asked.
"I have no clue," I answered honestly. "But we are going somewhere, Garcia can you send this address to everyone?" I told her while handing her the paper.
"Sure no problem."
Sure enough less than a minute later, we all had the address.
We headed out to the SUVs.
At the address, it was an empty lot."So why are we here?" Kate asked. "I don't know the person gave me an address." I answered. "Um, does anyone else notice the body?" JJ asked.
"Where?" Rossi asked skeptically. "Over there," JJ said, pointed, and then ran into the same direction.
I looked to where she pointed, and sure enough a body was laying there. I ran after JJ to the body, with the rest of the team close by.
JJ gasped, and turned around towards us, with tears streaming down her face. What could be making JJ cry?
Reaching the body, I took a close look. It was an African American male, with a strong build. Wait a minute, it's our missing teammate Derek Morgan.
The others seemed to come to the same conclusion as me, because there was a gasp shared between the team.
I checked his pulse, and sure enough he was alive.
"Call an ambulance!" I ordered.
The team fumbled for their phones, and Rossi got his out first, promptly dialed for an ambulance.
Within 15 long minutes an ambulance arrived.
They loaded him on a gurney, and into the ambulance.
"Meet us at the hospital, ok?" I asked the team.
They nodded.
"I'll call you if there is any changes on the way," I told them, just as they shut the ambulance doors.
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The time of the zodiac
FanfictionThe zodiac killer has reamurged or has he and this time isn't gonna stop killing but will the team with the help of Lauren Williams a genius even smarter then Reid catch the killer ( Criminal Minds ) <> Officially Back