Sanageyama X reader

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Okay so the next request I get on the 18 of this month I will make it a lemon okay I hope you guys in joy this one btw it might suck do okay. am I the only one that thinks Sanageyama looks like a human ninja turtle?

(Y/n)'a POV

I walked with Rin (haha I changed my name) as I kept giving her ideas to get Iumata to pay attention to her "Hey who cares about me let's talk about you and Sanageyama okay!" She said turning her head to me "What do you mean?" I asked her acting confused "Oh come on I know you like him." Rin said as a smirk grew on her face "I don't." I said trying to keep a blank face but I could feel my cheeks heating up " Yeah you a bad lier I can see it in your face ..... oh and your blushing so yeah.You should confess to him before someone takes him okay." she said . I don't want my heart to get broken he obviously likes Ryuko or Rin I mean Rin has a big chest and perfect body every guy would want. "Stop thinking like that . Your perfect too okay " Rin said looking at me and smiling Oh crap I forgot she reads minds "Well I got to go I have to save Akumaketsu from Mako's mom talk to you later!" Rin yelled running to Mako's house . I might as well go find Sanageyama . I let out a small sigh and looked up and closing my (e/c) (eye color) eyes as a breeze came blowing my (h/l)( hair length)(h/c)(hair color) hair . I can do this !


Sanageyama's POV

" I think you should just confess to Rin " I said to Iumata shrugging "I think you should just confess to (y/n) before someone takes her you know." Iumuta said looking at me but then going back to typing at his computer "Well I have to go I need to find Rin okay" he said closing his computer and walking away . I let out a small sigh . I can do this!

(My POV) Rin's POV

"So Iumuta did you tell Sanageyama to confess ? " I said turning my head Iumuta " Yes did you tell (y/n) (your /name) to confess ." Iumuta asked me "of course"i said as We saw Sanageyama and (y/n) find eachother "I need to tell you something." they both said "You go first . no you. Okay" the keep saying things together "(y/n) I l-lov I er um you know what fuck it!" Sanageyama said cupping (y/n)'s cheeks and smashing there lips together as (y/n) slowly closed her eyes and kissed back . "yay finally." I said about to stand up but being pulled back and lips smashing onto mine
"HAHA I SHIP IT!!!"(y/n) yelled " You do know we have been going out right"i said to (y/n). Who pouted

Thanks for reading

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