Announcing The Relationship

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(Song is Savior by Metro Station)

*Echo's POV*

-In The Morning-

I woke up to Bryan cuddling me. I carefully moved his arm and got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast.

I made eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes.

While I was eating my breakfast, drinking my coffee, and checking social media, Bryan had just woken up and walked out of his room.

"Morning Bryan." I said while smiling.

"Morning." Bryan said back.

I then got up and Bryan hugged my waist. While we were hugging, Johnnie just woke up and walked out of his room and yelled, "I SHIP IT!!"

Bryan and I broke from the hug and started laughing. "Shut up Johnnie." I said while laughing.

"I made breakfast by the way." I said.

"Looks good." Bryan said while looking at the food.

-Time Skip To Later On That Day-

*Bryan's POV*

"Echo, I think we should make a video announcing that we're a thing now.." I said to Echo.

"Seems like a good idea." Echo replied.

So then Echo and I sat down on the couch and started filming the video.

"Hey guys! It's Bryan and today I am here with someone very special to me. Her name is Echo." I said to the camera.

"Hii everyone!" Echo said to the camera.

Then we finished the video which was basically saying that Echo was my girlfriend and how we met and everything.

*Echo's POV*

"I think we should make a video for my channel too." I said to Bryan.

"Good idea." Bryan replied.

So then we filmed the video for my channel which was saying that Bryan was my boyfriend and how we met and everything. (Blah, blah, blah..)

Then we both finished editing our videos and uploaded them.

After a few minutes of going on social media and saying that we uploaded a video, we decided to check the comments of the videos.

Alot of the feedback was positive.. Saying how the fans were happy that we're together and they wish us the best.. But some comments were hate comments. Saying stuff like, "You don't deserve Bryan." Or, "You don't deserve Echo."

We didn't listen to those comments though. We're happy together and that's all that matters.

A/N Hope you guys liked the chapter! :)

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