Chapter One

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I was sitting a lunch with my friends laughing about the old things we use to do. My friends are Alice, Danny, Ashley, Brandon, Demi. Alice and I have the strongest relationship. I grew up with her since were in kindergarten and she been my best friendI can tell her anything. We were talking, but were interrupted by my boyfriend, Tyler.

"Jasmine can I talk to you for a second?" Tyler asks.

I nodded my head. I began following him to where ever he is taking me. Tyler is a very good-looking and muscular guy. Tyler isn't who everyone thinks he is. Everyone thinks that Tyler is the most perfect boyfriend a girl could want, but they're WRONG. Tyler isn't as sweet as people think he is... Tyler is only sweet and cute out in public. Other then that, he is this mean, rude, ungrateful guy I know. Tyler is the type of guy to beat and cheat on you and have no problem with it. But if you look at a guy you will get punched in the face. I know you're thinking: if he's so bad then why don't you just leave him? See, the thing is you can't get away from a guy like Tyler; he won't let you.

We reach the top of the school roof. I was questioning why are we up here but I didn't bother asking. It was quiet until I broke the silence.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask, looking at the ground.

Tyler grabs my wrist roughly and said, "look at me when your talking me to me." I nodded my head in understandment. He let go of my wrist.

"Anyway, what I came to talk to you about was the other night." He said.

Memories of last night filled my head.

*Flash back*

"No, Tyler, please I'm sorry," I say crying .

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH," Tyler yells at me as he slaps me.

I held my hand to my cheek were Tyler slapped me it, it burns at the slightest touch. Tyler picks me up and carries me to the bed. He threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me and start kiss on my neck. His hands travel down my side and he put his hand under my shirt. I tried to stop him but he was too strong for me. He roughly kisses me and he grabs both of my hands and puts them into his large one. He rips my shirt down the middle and he took off my shorts.

"Tyler p-please d-don't do t-this," I beg him.

"Shhh," he said against my skin, making shivers go down my spine.

Just as he was about to take off my underwear, the front door downstairs shut and many familiar voices began talking downstairs. Tyler quickly got dressed and before he left he said," we'll continue this later babe."

*End of Flashback*

I look at Tyler who was just texting away on his phone. He noticed that I was staring at him and he had a confused look on his face. But I just look around at trees and stuff.

"Yeah I'm sorry about yesterday night, baby, I don't know what came over me," Tyler says.

"Its ok," I say quietly.

"So you forgive me?" Tyler asks.

"Yes, I forgive you," I said.

Tyler pulled me into a hug. I hug him back. After a few minutes I pulled away and I look at my wrist, it had Tyler's hand print on it.

"Make sure you cover that up," he said, referring to my wrist.

"Yeah..." I said quietly and began walking away.


"Yes?" I said stopping and turning around.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," I say looking down.

Out of no where, he runs over to me and grabs my arms. He held over the edge of the roof. I'm really light, so people can basically throw me around. I'm so fucking scared right now. Tyler looks at me and says," told you before to look at me when your fucking talking to me."

"I'm s-s-sorry!" I screamed in fear of him dropping me.

"Now try telling me you love me again," he said.

"I LOVE YOU, TYLER," I say quickly

He put me down. I literally ran into the school. Tyler called and chased after me, but I hid in the janitor's closet. After about five minutes, I went to my locker and I grabed my Hollister sweater so I could cover up the bruise that's on my wrist. I walk back into the cafeteria and I sat down at the table with my friends again. Alice could see something was wrong, but she didn't bother asking about it, and I didn't mind. After like five minutes pass, the bell rang letting us know that it's time to go to class. My next class was biology. I got in to my class and then I got a text from Tyler.

From: Tyler

To: Jasmine

Don't run away from me like that again or you're regret it

I didn't reply back instead I just cut my phone off.

After school, I wanted to go home. I had Alice drop me off at home. I unlock the door and I see family sitting in the living room talking. I shut the door behind me as all eyes were on me. They waited for me to take a seat and I did. It was completely quiet until I broke the silence.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We decided since it was your three week vacation from school, we will spend time together at the cabin," my mom said.

"Who's we?" I ask.

"You, your father, your brother and I," My mom said

"OK." I said.

I only agreed to go because it will get me away from Tyler. Come to think of it, will Tyler even let me go, considering he has to know everything I'm doing? I walk upstairs to my room and I decided to cut my phone on. I have five missed calls and ten text messages. All from Tyler. I didn't bother replying back. Instead I jump in the shower. After I got out the shower, I change into a tank top with a sweater and some yoga pants. I wore a sweater so I could cover over up the bruise on my wrist. I walk downstairs and dinner was ready. I ate dinner and after that I walk upstairs and did my homework. I put my phone on the charger and I fell asleep.

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