Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jasmine P.O.V

"OH SHIT." Jason yelled

Jason swerve out of the way smashing into this fucking huge truck. Jason step on the breaks and it finally work. I relax a little but not to much because were still being chase. Jason look in rear view as one the black cars smash into that truck, a smirk played on his lips. He step on gas once more. For a moment I thought I was going to die but at the same time I had this feeling that I wasn't. It was kinda weird but I look over at Jason he looked so calm and I'm like to freaking out and stuff. Well he is Jason McCann so I guess he use to all this type of stuff.

I look in the my rear view the two cars come behind us.

"Jas-" "Jasmine do you know how to swim?" Jason said cutting me off "Yeah" "Good" He said "Why what are you going to do" I ask but got no response.

Jason lick his bottom lip and glance my way but still didn't reply. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared right now. As we kept driving it begin to start raining. I watch as every rain drop hit the car and disappear as it smash against the car.

I still wonder Why he ask me can I swim? What was he going to do? Soon we arrived on top a bridge above water. I though about what he was going to do and when I figure it out. I didn't like that idea at all because one we could die and two WE CAN DIE!

"Jason please don't tell me your about to do what I'm thinking your going to do." I said

"That all depends on what you think I'm going to do. What do you think I'll do?" Jason ask

"You going to crash into the river." I said

"Yup. That's exactly what I'm going to do." Jason said

"When?" I ask scared as hell.

"Now." He said

"WHAT?" I screeched

The car went flying over the bridge, I unbuckled my seat but kept in push in a little so I won't fly through the windshield. I took a deep breath and close my eyes as the car hit the water. I felt the water hit my face and soon opened my eyes. I let go off the seat belt and I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge so I begin climbing out the window. This would've been so much easier if I wasn't in a skirt. I swam to the top, I reach the top and took a deep breath.

I breathing heavily I look around for Jason but I didn't see. He must be in the car still, I took a deep breath before going back under. I swam to the driver and saw Jason still in the car. I lulled at the door buy I couldn't get it open I climbed in through the window and I went over to Jason.

I push the button on the seat beat but it didn't release it, so I pulled at his seat belt but it wouldn't come out. Think Jasmine think he must have something to cut him out of this. I reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. I cut the seat belt. I pulled him out but was difficult because he's heavy.

I accidentally cut my leg with the glass on the window, it made it harder for me. We reached the surface and I swam to land. I began doing C.P.R. He didn't come through I tired another time but still nothing.

"No, no, Jason I need you to come through" "I need you," I said I tired one more time.

Jason started coughing up water, he sat up trying to catch his breath.

"We got to move," Jason said in between breath.

I just save your life but you can't even thank you. I left it alone and I got and took my heels off and I followed him. I totally forgot my phone was in my bra. I pull my phone out and it was soaking wet, it has water dripping from it.

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