Katie the new girl

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There once was a new girl.Her name was Katie.Katie could do everything.By that it means that it was mentally and physically could do everything.On her first day of school she was ignored, nobody paid any attention to her even the teachers.But she didn't care she liked how she was even if nobody knew about it or her.Now whenever somebody did as much as glance at her they would be jealous.Nobody knew why they were jealous they just were.She liked it that way .People would look at her and wonder where she came from.They all thought like she just came from a photo shoot for covergirl. Well technically they were right. She was beautiful, she had the highest cheekbones,full lips, a perfect nose,and just the right size eyes, perfect for her complexion . But of course if your going to be this pretty there has to be some secret going on with her.Well if you ever even spoke to her you would immediately find out her secret and her secret is not her voice it's her,herself.

It was Katie's first day at her new school. Katie walked into home room and took a seat."that's my seat "Zoe the most popular girl at school said. Katie stood up and sat in the seat next to Zoe's with out a word. Zoe just rolled her eyes and sat down.Zoe thought she could see through Katie's good looks but she couldn't nobody could. Mr.Knox walked into the classroom just as the bell rang."Good Morning class and welcome to yet another year of American History." He said excitedly. He asked everybody to say there name and what they did over the summer.It came to Zoe's turn "Of course everybody knows my name Zoe Wright, and I went to Mexico,Costa Rica, and pretty much every where down south except for Cuba.That is only because if I went there people might touch me and get me all dirty. I'm also excited for next year when I get to go to France since I will be going into High School." She boasted about her summer for almost the whole hour."Okay, how about you young lady next to-" Mr.Knox started but was interrupted by the bell.

At the end of the day Katie went to her locker not just to get her stuff but to meet her locker partner. "Hi locker partner well I'm just assuming your my locker partner because people don't just walk up to random peoples lockers and gather up their things right you are my locker partner right"Katie's locker partner just shouted out loud.Katie was about to speak but then her locker partner just kept on talking," Okay, good I was getting scared there for a second , my name is Jaylee, here since I am always meeting people I made a little bio about myself here" Jaylee handed Katie a small binder with at least ten papers in it.Katie took the binder and gathered up the rest of her stuff and went outside.

Katie saw a black Cadillac pull up.The window was rolled down and Katie went up to talk to the person. Then Katie stepped back from the car and the car drove away. Katie went back up to the school and waited for her ride. About a hour later Katie was still waiting. Mr.Knox walked out of the school with all of his stuff and noticed Katie sitting all by herself. He walked up to her and asked if she had a ride.Katie did no more than a small nod ." Okay then I'll just wait here with you until your ride is here." A black limo pulled up and Katie ran up and hopped inside without a word.

Zoe was at home with her sister Julie watching MTV . "and guess what she actually dared to sit in my seat, can you believe that . And you could so tell that she has had plastic surgery I mean nobody has a face that perfect you know what I mean." Zoe said to her sister. Julie looked up from her laptop.

"It sounds to me like somebody is jealous. " Julie replied to her sister. "No way I could never be jealous of any body I aml the most popular girl at Auntie Pearls Academy. " Zoe said reassuring talking about her school like that.

Katie looked out the window of the limo she was in and saw a small little cottage. She had tears coming down her high cheekbones. The limo came to a stop.A little old lady walked out of the house and came up to her window. "God Bless your heart Katherine ."the lady said. Katie walked out of the limo and walked up to the cottage. There was a sign on the door that said 'Miss Alana's orphanage for little girls'.As Katie read it a single tear ran down her face. A little girl known as Adeline opened the door for Katie. "KATIE!!!!!!!" all the little girls screamed.

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