Hannah's Date

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(Hannah Witton)

It was 7pm and Rebbecca picked me up from the hotel. She brought me flowers and some of my favorite candy. She was so sweet. She open the door for me to get in the car. She asked me how was my day and if I had a good time last night "Of course I did. It was amazing"

We arrived at the restaurant twenty minutes later. Rebbecca got out fast before I could even get the chance of taking my seatbelt off and she open the door for me and helped me out. "I really enjoyed the dinner" I said to her "not only for the delicious food but also for the amazing company!" She smiled and held my hand.

She looked at me and said "You are beautiful Hannah Witton did you know that!" I smiled and blushed a little. 

After dinner we left the restaurant for our next adventure. She took me back to the Hollywood and I said to her "I thought we were going to go somewhere else and she held my hand and said "Why would we go anywhere else? This is our especial place!" we could see the whole city just like last night. I rested my head in her shoulder wishing that moment could last forever. She made me so happy.

When we got down from the Hollywood sigh Rebbecca started playing a song on the car and we danced to it in front of the car lights and under the moonlight. It was complete perfection. I could feel my our hearts beating together playing the same notes. We laid in top of the car watching the stars and holdings hands.

An hour later we went back to the hotel. During the car ride we held hands while singing to romantic songs. Once we got to the hotel Rebbecca walked me all the way to my door. Once I opened my door I got closer to Rebbecca and kissed her. Our kissed was so intense and this time she couldn't escape. This time she walked into the room with me.

We didn't break the kiss until we close the door behind us. I grabbed Rebbecca by her neck and started to kiss her with passion while she grabbed my waist and slowly took my dress off.  We took each other clothes piece by piece. She started kissing my neck and started sucking while she massage my boobs. I started calling her name in between deep breaths. I was crazy about her I got close to her ear and whisper at her "I've been craving your body since the first kiss we shared" we continued to make love for hours until we fell asleep. I woke up with her arms around my waist and with the best memory I ever made in LA.  I got up and order some food to my room and as soon as they brought it up Rebbecca woke up and I jumped in bed and kissed her and said to her "Hi beautiful! Thank you for last night" in between kisses. That day we stayed all day in my room watching movies and having fun together.

Later that night we went meet everyone at the Abbey. I walked in and I saw Ally and run and hugged her and introduced her to Rebbecca and after it I went and introduced her to the rest of the group. They all loved her not only because she was making me happy but also because she had a great personality. My night was pure perfection. Rebbecca spend the night with me and we made sweet love all night. This was complete perfection. I didn't wanted this to end but I was in town for only one more night. I told Rebbecca about it and we talked about the possibility of a long distance relationship and we both agreed on trying to make it work and we decided to spend my last night together.

My last night at LA. I said goodbye to all my friends and thanked Hannah Hart for introducing me to Rebbecca. I had an amazing time here and it was all thanks to all this people. Rebbecca, my friends and the fans I met. They all throw me a party in my last day and Rebbecca took me to the airport after it. She gave me a huge kissed and hugged me tight and said "Don't forget about me because I won't forget about you!" I wanted to tell her I loved her because that's what I felt but instead I said to her "You'll always be my best and favorite memory of LA." My plane was about to leave and walked to the door while looking at Rebbecca.

After I landed I skyped with Rebbecca and told her how much I missed her and she told me she was going to come here soon to see me. I'm very positive things will workout between us. We have an amazing connection and I love that. I think I might ask her to move in with me as soon as I'm sure things will work with us. 

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