Chapter 2

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I woke up on the living room floor and saw the living room's clock. 6:30 great I won't have time to take a shower this morning for school. I quickly got up and did my normal routine but this time not taking a shower. I put some makeup over the bruises my dad left me last night and not make a huge deal about it. I probably smell like crap right now but that was not important right now, I am probably going to miss the bus. As I put on my converse I go to my room and put on lots of perfume, grab my backpack and I'm out of my house. I walk up the little hill towards the bus stop like always and see two other people also waiting for the bus. I stand their awkwardly waiting for the bus like the other two until it finally comes.

When I get on, I quickly see Emma sitting in the back of the bus. I walk over their and sit down. "Omg Tori are you excited?!" she said so excitedly which I didn't know why. I gave her a questioned look. She rolled her eyes and said, "OMG Tori remember One Direction is coming here tomorrow!" Thats when I remembered. I just gave her a nod, "Oh c'mon Tori how can you not love them they're perfect!" I just laughed at what she said and she just fangirled the rest of the ride to school.

When we finally made it to school everyone quickly got off the bus probably tired of Emma talking about Harry Styles too much of how he's so kind and beautiful. Typical Emma. When we make it inside I go straight to first period not wanting to be late. Emma tried to stop me to go talk with some other group of girls but I had to get to class because I didn't want to be late like the last time Emma told me to stay for a small chat. Bull.

All my classes went by fast and when I was going towards my bus Emma came running to me and stopped me before I could go in. She looked like she just ran a marathon or something. "Emma what the heck," I held onto her hands because she needed balance from running from where ever she was at. "Where were you?" I asked.

"I was in Mr. Wall's class and I had to come here."

"Um Emma that is literally at the end of the hall and my bus is right here basically just 40 feet from here you idiot," I took her hands away from me and just looked at her like she's stupid.

"Well it's not my fault... I haven't had gym class in a long time since we don't have that class anymore."

"Emma you can always do it on your spare time."

"Eh too much work," I just rolled my eyes and laughed along with her.

"But why did you need me?" I questioned her.

"Oh ya right, want a ride home, my mom is picking me up?" I look back and the bus is gone.

"Kinda looks like I have no choice," Giving her a face.

"Oh shut up," we gave out a little laugh and start walking where ever her mom was until I stopped walking making Emma stop also. As her mom pulls up Em looks at me. "We definitely need to get a car soon."

"You don't say," I gave out an obvious expression on my face as we laugh it off and get in the car.

"Hey is it ok if your mom drops me off at the hotel, I gotta work today again."

"Oh ya I forgot it's Friday but text me or call me when One Direction comes even though they aren't coming until tomorrow," she gives me a smirky look and I just roll my eyes at her. I swear I have an eye roll problem when I'm with her.

"Ya ya what ever." Emma's mom finally pulls up where I work. The hotel I work at is called Hampton's Inn. It's a pretty big place and very expensive. When I walked towards the entrance I already saw a bunch of screaming girls. I try to squeeze by all of them and finally get inside in one piece. I went to the bathroom to change into my uniform. When I got in one of the stalls, I here the bathroom door open and hear some high heel clicking noise start to go off.

"Yes the boys have just landed," she paused for a bit until she spoke again, "Okay so they'll be here in like 30 min? Okay perfect, thank you," I heard her finish and hear the door open again and close, she probably left. I finish changing and get out the stall. I guess One Direction is coming a day early but who was the chick? Probably a person that works for them. I leave the bathroom with my backpack and go to the front desk. I smile as I see Gracie at the front desk. She's a little older but she was the nicest person that I've ever met and the nicest person that works here because most of the workers here are rude and I'm pretty sure I'm the only teenager there.

"Hey Gracie," I say as I put my backpack in the room behind the front desk and take a bite out of one of the apples at the front desk and pay attention to Gracie.

"Hey Tori ready for work today, we got a busy day," she tried to sound excited but failed. She probably also new about One Direction coming today. I was going to tell Emma but I need a break from her. Gracie and I talk for a while until I finish my apple and start getting ready for my shift.

"Ugh," I grab my supplies and start cleaning rooms. I've been cleaning for the past five hours and start to head to room 305, I start to hear people laugh as I got closer and closer to the room. When I finally stand in front of it that's when I knew that the laughing noises were coming from here. Once I knocked on the door I was greeted by a smirky faced Harry Styles. Fantastic.


The picture on the top is a picture of Tori and Emma. Tori is the one on the left but without no nose ring. And Emma is the one on the right.

Hey guys so I know my story isn't so perfect so far basically because it's my first that I'm working on right now but anyways the girl in the picture is Victoria (Tori). I hope you guys are enjoying my story even though it's really short and only chapter 2 :)

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