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He’s the reason why I am here. He’s the reason why I am myself right now. He’s my first love, he’s my inspiration and he’s my life.

I will do everything just for him to jump again.

I am Andrea Stone, call me Andy, I’m from America, New York to be exact; I’m fat and very lazy. Wanna know my weight? Okay it’s JUST 185 pounds. Yes, I know that’s a lot of fats. I always watch t.v and do nothing all day but eat and lay down on my bed.  Everybody hates me for being fat. Nobody cares about me except my best friend Julia. Julia is opposite, we’re very different with each other both physically and mentally but Julia’s been there through my ups and downs.

But one day… I saw the most beautiful guy in the world on television while I was eating popcorn. I saw him joined the Olympics, I saw him jump for the very first time.

His name was Niall. Niall James Horan is his name. Niall is a champion in high jumping. The blonde high jumper who caught my heart. He’s my idol. He inspired me. When I heard his speech when he won the Olympics, one line really struck me: “MIRACLE IS ANOTHER WORD FOR HARDWORK.” Since then, I started to know everything about him and since then, I decided to lose weight.

At first it was really hard for me.

Especially when I first went inside the gym, everybody stared and laughed at me. It was hard at first. I need a lot of diet and I need to stay focused.

But one time I returned home from the gym and got shocked from what I’ve read in the internet. Niall stopped jumping because he had an injury during his practice.

And this injury is very crucial. He said that he won’t jump anymore, he’s on therapy but he don’t want to jump and fight in competitions. I was very sad then, and really disappointed; but it gave me more motivation to lose weight for him and that was the day I decided to go to him and encourage him to go back in high jump.

I didn’t stop my exercise, I always check on my diet and I always control my eating habits.

I thank Niall for inspiring me. I joined track and field in our school.

I started running. It’s a big help for me. Though I have short legs, I know I can do this and win every competition I will join. I started joining competitions in running. I always win in those competitions. 100 m dash, 400 m dash, and relays all gold medallists.

My coach almost asked me to join the nationals but I rejected his offer.

Hello? I’m gonna go to England and going to see Niall. And one more thing, running is my new hobby now.

In a span of almost one year, I lose about more than 70 pounds. Now I’m about 110 lbs.

From very fat to fit.

I was really happy and now ready to convince my first love to go back to high jump. England, here I come!!! Niall James Horan, I will let you jump again, I will help you because I’m your biggest FAN!!!

For You In Full Blossom (Hana Kimi: Niall Horan Version)Where stories live. Discover now