Imagine Love Story Part 1

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You were moving from your home town to a way different place, your father said it was way more beautiful then Hollywood, most definitely!! You asked your dad "where are we moving to anyways pops??" He answers "I'll give you two hints... It starts with an S and ends with an N" you reply "is that two or one, your so confusing!????" Your dad shrugs and laughs "only one.. Now here's the second one, you most beloved boyband lives their!" You get excited and scream "AHHHHH!!!! SWEDEN!!!!!!!!! THE FOOO CONSPIRACY!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!! IM GUNNA DIE!!!!! HAHA!!!!" Your dad laughs and says "wait, wait, wait, I thought the DotSE was your favorite???" Your dad is confused now... You reply "well not anymore.... I saw that they all where way too old for me, so I went in search for a cute boyband with boys close to my age, and then... *sigh* I saw.... Them!!" Your dad says in shock "Who's *gulps* them???" You smile and say "Omar Rudberg *you show him a picture* born Nov. 12, 1998, Felix Sandman *you show him another picture* born Oct. 25, 1998, Oscar 'Og' Molander *you show him another pic, your dad laughs and starts to speak and you interrupt him* born Feb. 24, 1997, and last but not least..... *sigh* him, Oscar Enestad * you show him the love of your life* born Feb. 21, 1997!* your dad sees that your in a serious love spell. He gaps and says "show me that Omar kid again?? Please??" You show your dad Omar's picture again.. He smiles at you with a smarty pants smerk... You say "why are you looking at me like that??" In a worried voice... He replied "you wanna know the real reason why we are moving to Sweden???" He laughs... You get a scared but evil look on your face and in your eyes and say in your own mind 'what is that man up to??' You tell him "yes I would like to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!" Your dad laughs "okay, Omar is you 7th cousin!!" You look at him in confusment and just start busting out laughing "YOUR HILARIOUS DAD!!! HAHA, DONT JOKE WITH ME LIKE THAT HAHA!!!!" He says in response "I'm not messing with you.... I'm telling the truth...." You gulp and say "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! He can't be dad, he's to cute to be related to us--" your dad interrupts you "what does that mean??!" In a stern voice... You say "never mind" and put your ear phones in your ears... Twelve hours later your where your new house is.... Right next door to Omar... He welcomes his new next door neighbors aka family from the U.S.A...... He also has the other three boys with him.. Felix, Og, and Oscar... You fainted when you saw them... But you lied and said you fainted cuz of how big the house was..... You went you bed that night thinking about how Omar is your cousin.... But then you fell asleep while thinking about it.....

Oscar Enestad ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now