Chloe- Chapter Three

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It was finally friday so I was excited. The day before I had been given an English assignment so I was also stressed. Poppy ran down the stairs in front of me as I looked at the piece of paper that Ivy had given me. It was a list of rock artists to listen to- Ivy's version of meditation and stress release. I shoved it in my cardigan pocket and poured myself a juice. 

"What's on today then?" Ethan asked me.


"That sounds very exciting!" 

I threw a tea towel at him. "I got an assignment yesterday. Ivy told me to listen to some rock albums to calm me down..."

"Right... How does that work?" 

"Ask her. I have no idea."

I sat down and ate some cereal and Ethan talked about his plans for the day.

"Let me see this list." 

I handed it over.

"Okay. Some classics.... and a bit of modern."

"Since when did you get into rock?" I asked.

"There are sides of me, my dear, that you would not recognise."

I rolled my eyes.

The girls were outside waiting so I hugged him and Poppy goodbye.

We got to school a little early so Ivy decided it was a good time for us to check out the music section of the library.

"Okay take this one. Yep. Now, Ave, here grab these two." Ivy passed us about five CDs each.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes." She walked over to the counter. "Hey Jackson, get off your phone you're not fooling anyone!" 

She can be very loud at times.

We said thank you and walked out.  

"Okay ladies... Enjoy. And if either of you want to swap classes with me this morning I will give you fifty dollars and time with Bandit." 

"Why, what do you have?" Avery asked.

"Math. Mental Abuse To Humans. Much Anguish To Have. Take your pick."

The bell went so we went our separate ways and Ive was sentenced to the torture that is Math class.

Chemistry was pretty fun and when the bell went I didn't want to leave. By the time lunch came, I was really hungry so I went straight to meet the girls. Ivy was sitting with her brother and Avery was getting food. 

When I first sat with Axl and his mates I was really uncomfortable. The whole guy thing was new to me. Ethan's friends weren't very typical at all. After a while I settled in and it started to get more normal. 

I was listening to the conversation when Ethan's name popped up on my phone. 


"Ethan! What? Why are you calling."

"I'm pretty good. Thanks for asking. Anyway, I'm just ringing to say that we are having pizza for dinner and I wondered if you wanted to invite anyone over?"

I laughed. "Okay well I'm glad you're good. Sure, I'll tell Avery and Chloe."


"Okay, see you then-" I went to hang up. 

"Oh and one last thing....... GranandMumarecomingoverokayloveyou bye!"

"What?!" I shrieked. There was no answer; he had hung up. I groaned.

"Jesus girl! You'll wake the dead!" It was one of Axl's friends. 

"What's up?" Ivy almost seemed worried, in a very laid-back kind of way. 

"Well I was going to invite you over for Ethan-Pizza..." 

She jumped up. "Woohoo!"

"... But..."

"Okay nothing ever good comes after that." She had sat down again.

"But my extremely religious homophobic grandmother is coming over. And so is my mother."

"Oh..." Avery trailed off. 

Ivy's eyes lit up."Okay, cool. Can I invite Mark and his boyfriend? And a few drag-queens?"

Axl laughed. "Yeah and I'll come in a rainbow leotard and Brandon can be my boyfriend."

"Oh AND we can watch Pride." Ivy was getting more and more ideas. 

"Yes, no, no, no and no." 

Ivy looked over at me. "So Mark and Joe can come. But no to leotards, drag, fake gays and Pride. Sounds fair."

I finished my milkshake and nodded. I texted Ethan. 

Got room for a few more?

He replied instantly.
How many more?

Oh I don't know. 1 Lesbian. 2 gays. Avery, Axl and his friend.

Wait what?! I could imagine his expression.

School ended and Ivy, Avery, Axl and Brandon and I walked back to my place. 

"Wassup amigos?" Ethan practically yelled.

Poppy ran down the stairs. 

"Are they here yet?" I asked worriedly.

"Nope, luckily. Well I hope not." He smiled. "Hey Axl can you just grab this for a second?" 

Axl and Brandon followed him into the kitchen. 

"Is Mark coming?" I looked over to Ivy.

"Yep should be." She had already made herself comfortable. 

Avery was playing with Poppy so I decided to go into the kitchen.

"So, when do they arrive?" I asked.

"In about..." He checked his watch. "..two minutes."

"Ethan! What?"

He burst out laughing. "Did I say 2? I meant thirty."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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