Chapter 1

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Taylor Pov...

"Guys excuse me just i need to call someone"I said to my Bffs

Karlie:Take your time Missy...hahahah(i we laugh)

"Ok thanks"I whispher....

I walk to the empty halls dialled my Aunty Nicole she answer it in third ring

The call

T-Taylor A.U- Aunty Nicole

T-Umm aunty is he home..

A.U-Ohh not yet darling i know he was going to fetch you.

T-ok thank you aunty i will call him later bye see ya..

I hung up and dialled his number
Number but no answer ughh ill just going to text him
I walk back to the

Past Hours have past no call back or text

Sel:Guys we have to go home now you know its getting dark outside comeon...

Cara:Hey tay you can come with us are you waiting someone?

Me:Oh sorry guys i have a car its ok i ju--(now my phone is ringing)excuse me( with apologetic face )

Oh its Dad.

The Call..

T-Taylor S-Scott (taylor's Father) and A-Andrea(taylor's mother)

T-Hey dad what sup?

S-im good sweety how bout you?

T-im good dad why did you call?

S-umm did you aunty told you?

T-about what?

S-she's going out of country for 6monts half of the year so its you and-scott is that taylor?(mom say) yeah you wanna talk? Sure!!

A:Hey darling how are you mommy miss you so much!!

T-i miss you so much too im good

A-how bout my son in law ? Haha

T-Whhat?!!! Mom dont you ever say that again were not even married yet he fame but im not..

A-i know tay but he love you so much why cant you just be a couple give him c
A chance c'mon you live with same roof

T-Ok ok bye i need to go home now mom talk to you soon love ya tell austin and dad that i miss them and love them bye

End call

I turn around saw Cara,Sel,,Karli,El and Perrie raising their Eyebrow and give me a frown urggh

Selena:Really tay Married? With who?

Me:No its not a married my mom asking about umm you know love life hehehe

They just said 'o' "Ok bye see ya tommorow "i said while bid a goodbyes....

I just arive home im so tired im wanna spend my day to my bed until im bored hahaha "IM HOME"i shout Aunty came out from the kitchen

Aunty Nicole:Tay your home (she smile i smiled back)

Me:Yeah um-m aunty dad told me you going out of country for half of the year?

Aunty Nicole:Sorry i didnt tell you i know you reaction your going to say "NOO AUNTY IM GOING TO DIE IF ME AND HIM ARE GOING TO LIVE WITH NO ONE WITH US"(i laugh)

Me:Yeah your right how did you do that hahahah?

Aunty Nicole:Nothing just acting what is your reaction..

Me:Im going to change my chlothes now..

I run upstairs but i stop at the front door of his bedroom "is he home?"i thought to my self i heard a little sob while singing why is he crying? I should knock and ask him? Or not? I think i will ask him lat-someone open the door revealing his face emerald orbs of his eyes perfect jaw kissable lips and Curly long brown hair..what a handsome man haha i just stare at him not moving im glued on the floor...

Me:Ohh sorry Harry i dont mean to-(he cut me off by shuting my mouth covering my  mouth using his hand i remove his hand)eww it taste like a rust metal....( He just laugh and walk to the hall direct downstairs)

Me:Harry.(he turn around)umm nothing just calling your name( i smile but he didn't just turn and continue walking) OK

I just ignore run to my room change headed to Dinning room to eat and sit om my seat..
When i was done i just put the dishes i use and go upstairs with no word not talking to him.

Harry Pov...

When Taylor done eating and go upstairs with no words or ignore me its hurt to me to see her like that my heary shattured in thousand pieces that can onky taylor fix why did i broke with her? Whe i was done eating too i walked to her room and knock"COME IN" i open slowy

Me: Tay-ylor?

Taylor: hmmm? (i saw her lying on her bed she's about to sleep)

Me:umm im go-going out do you want something?

Taylor:Nothing (her eyes are close how cute that face im just staring on her but she caught me) why are staring at me is their any problem?

Me:Nothing love im just attracted on your cuteness hehehehe(i smirk)

Taylor:shut up go now...

Me:Ok M'lady Goodnight Sweet dreams love ya!(i said while closing the door)....

I hope you like it
Thanks to all

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