Asking For Help

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Celestia's P.O.V
I didn't want to do this but I needed to get help to get Luna back. I needed to ask the main 6 for help. I sent letters out asking them to come to my palace.
"Princess Celestia!" Twilight gasped "What happened?"
"Luna ran away and it's all my fault."
"Wait,what happened?"
"I told Luna that I forgived her but she read my diary and I wrote in there that I didn't forgive her."
"How are we suppose to help you though?"
"I need you to go to the moon and pursuad her that I didn't mean to hurt her feelings."
"Why can't you do it?"
"I have tried writing her letters but she crinkles them up and sends them back. And I fear if i went to her she would hurt me."
"But she's your sister, she wouldn't do that."
"She's tried to before when she became nightmare moon."
"So why did you ask us?"
"Because your the elements of harmony and she knows that if she doesn't agree you can use the elements of harmony on her and if it comes to that please use them."
"What! Why do you want us to do that?"
"It will leave her weak and she will have no choice to come down to equistria and gain some power back."
"Ok your magesty."
"Get a good night sleep you will leave tomorrow at sunrise."
Twilight's P.O.V
"Are you sure we're going to do this?" Applejack asked.
"Of course we are its for the princess." Twilight replied.
"But why did Celestia lie to Luna?" Rainbow dash asked.
"I don't know but we have to get Luna back to make things right." Twilight said.
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