The Burn Journals.
The burn journals is about Brent Runyon which is the author of my book, he was damaged and he often tried killing himself probably because he felt disclosure from the people he thought would care the most and damaged from what he thought would happen but didn't.
He probably felt alone and broken. I honestly don't know how or what he felt at the time. When he was fourteen he set his self on fire, he was in his house coat and drowned his self with gasoline and had matches in his hand, he decided that he was going to kill himself. He was going to make his self suffer and burn. He didn't die,
But he wanted to. How does a person or something hurt someone so much they want to end their life, i mean god obviously brought us here for a reason but i guess a lot of people have reasons why they should and they think its the best thing to do. Life must suck a lot if that's the first thing you think of, not telling anyone or bringing it to anyone's attention just dying. Its not only hurting you its hurting other people you may think that no one notices, everyone notices and they can see how hurt and damaged you are. I guess people think if you cant look past the ridges on the road than don't drive, and there problems are the ridges and the road is their life. My book is extremely different and amazing at the same time.