Abigail Winters

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I have a challenge for you. read A/N at the end.

Abigail Pov

Today is career day at Goode High. There were so many booths I wanted to visit. (A/N: at my school, each job sets up a table and that's a booth) I was the smart one of our group. Our group consists of me, Percy, Jordan, Trinity and Daniel. And we were all best friends. A few of us more secretive than others. (cough cough Percy and Daniel cough cough) We all decided to go to the booths as a group.

The first( more like seventy )times I asked them to come with me, They all argued and fought with me so hard. Dam they are stubborn. But you know what they say. The seventy first time is the charm. However after a ton of bribing and begging them to come with me; They finally agreed to come with me if only to get me to shut up.  Either way they are coming and that's all that matters.

We walked into the gym where career day was being held. I looked around trying to find the architecture table. I had wanted to be an architect since I was really young. I found it and dragged my friends over there. I literally dragged Trinity over there.  About half way over there, Percy's phone started ringing. He answered. " hey what's up Wise Girl?" He asked. A female voice replied. " Oh nothing much Seaweed Brain. Just telling you that I'm at the architecture table. And your dad is at the Marine Biology table going by the name Professor Nodiesop. Also my mother is here. Just warning you." " Thanks Wise Girl for letting me know. love ya. see you later." And with that he hung up. As a group we continued to walk over to the Architecture table.

 At the table was a blonde girl who was our age  and an older woman who might have been her mother. The older lady glared at Percy. Next to the architecture table was the marine biology table. Percy went over to it and started talking to the man.

 The young blonde girl came out from behind the table and went over to Percy and hugged him. The other woman glared at the two again. I was guessing that the adults at the marine biology and architecture table were their parents. And the woman did not approve of their relationship by the look on her face.

I started to read the architecture brochures at the table. I asked the lady my long list of questions. She answered all of them in great detail. I looked around for my friends but they were nowhere to be seen. All I saw was a group of people standing around something. Someone. I went over there to see what was going on. The adults who were at the Marine Biology and architecture tables followed me over there. The three of us pushed through the crowd until we reached the center. There I saw Percy making out with the other person who was at the architecture table. Maybe she was his girlfriend. the two adults who followed me glared at the couple then at each other. The guy's glare was less intense than the lady's towards the couple. The woman stepped behind the girl and tried to pull her away from Percy. The man stood off to the side with a small smile. The woman stopped trying to pull them apart. The woman failed at pulling the two apart. I guess because when she was trying to pull the girl away, Percy pulled her harder the other way closer to him. She took a few steps backwards. The pair broke apart..........mostly for air. The woman glared at Percy when she caught him looking at her. This woman glares a lot. She mouthed some rude words to him then walked out of the gym. The guy who was at the Marine Biology table followed the woman after saying by to Percy and his girlfriend.

That was the day I met my best friend's girlfriend.


A/N: Challenge time:

Pick up the closest book to you and turn to page 237. In the third paragraph, comment the third sentence. So in the comments should be The name of the book, the author, and the 237th page third sentence thing.

First person to answer the challenge will get a dedication

Sorry the second part was late. I had school

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Update: 2/2 complete

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