Chapter 1- Blaize | Welcome to Lakeview's Summer Camp For The Undeciders

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Chapter 1: Welcome to Lakeview's Summer Camp For The Undeciders

Blaize could think of a dozen or so places she would rather be, than sitting with her brother -on a bench -just outside Lakeview's Summer Camp for the Undecider's .

The Camp, as her (god-please take her away) mother explained it,  helped kids like Blaize who were on their last year of high school to help finalise or decide what they want to do in University. Blaize, like her brother, and about half of the other student faculty here, were forced by their parents.

But Clifton and Blaize's mother didn't send them here for their own good.

No, Mrs. Campbell was having a secret affair with the painter next door, and she didn't want her kids to find out.

Blaize, however was already fucking the neighbour and found one of her mother's anklet's on the carpet.

"It has fabulous cabins, and the facilities there are like liquid gold" was her mother's exact words, dropping her kids off and without even a "goodbye" zooming away.

"Is it possible to buy STD's and give it to someone as a present?" Blaize asked her brother.

Clifton pulled one earphone out and looked at Blaize lazily "Huh?".

Blaize just shook her head and let Clifton get back to his iPod and scrolling through the pictures on his camera screen. She turned around to look at the camp behind her. What her mother said was true, in fact this camp looked more like a massive movie-shooting venue.

With it's luscious green fields stretching out wide, just stopping off, fencing the forest around it, it looked like the grass was meant to be worshipped, not stood on. The cabins were made out of wood that looked new, the roofs caged in and hugged the wooden frame neatly.  Blaize could see a medium sized cabin like structure that stated it was "Co-Ed Bathrooms". The main building that stretched massively on the far left corner of the paradise camp, was a grey squared and about the size of a mini- shopping mall. It had collective windows framing it.

That Blaize guessed would be where the classes are held.

She drew her focus on the dozens of kids surrounding the middle of the camp, checking in and finding out who their roommates would be. Nearly half the cabins were filled with different people settling their stuff in. All of them would be here for a month and a half. Might as well get comfy.

Blaize inwardly groaned. She was not ready for this. She grabbed her bag and took out her phone. She looked at the time, and her brother and her had 10 minutes to sign in. She slammed the button to call her best friend Faye.

Faye answered the phone on the fourth ring. "Hey B"

"Don't fucking 'B' me. Where the hell are you loser?!"

"Running a bit late, but I'll be there soon."

Blaize groaned once again and motioned for her brother to get up. They both walked up to the path leading into the camp with their suitcases in hand.

Blaize was only doing this for Faye. In fact, If it wasn't for Faye Watson, Blaize would be planning her plan of escape right now, instead of walking up to the sign in stand.

Once the brick pathway ended, both the Campbells had to haul their suitcases through a berm of grass to get to the lady whose name-tag stated her name was Mrs. Kunetko. Blaize nearly rolled her eyes at the clichè way Kunetko had a large smile plastered on her face. It made Blaize's jaw hurt just looking at her. She walked right up to the three table stand and stated both their names.

"Blaize and Clifton Campbell signing in to the god-damn Hitler's Youth." she added under her breath.

Kunetko's smile got tighter and Blaize just grinned sarcastically. The lady looked down at the sign up sheet before her and then back at both of them. "Looks like your guardian already filled in your details dolls, so your free to just go to your assigned cabins. We plan to split the cabins gender wise so Ms. Campbell, your roommate is already in your cabin, her name is Myra Gibson. Mr. Campbell, your's is a boy called Jonathan Roux, and he is also settled."

Mrs. Kunetko gave both of them a set of keys and an information booklet.

Clifton smiled at her and thanked her. Blaize turned to the lady and leaned down toward her. "When do we get a break?"

Mrs. Kunetko looked confused "Excuse me?"

"When do we get to get out of here for a break?!" Blaize repeated herself.

The lady cleared her throat "Ms. Campbell, everything will be discussed tomorrow at breakfast, however mid-term break happens once in another 3 weeks."

This time, Blaize did roll her eyes. She started making her way to her cabin, she turned around to look for Clifton but he had already gone. She reached for the key that the lady gave her and noticed on the keychain that her cabin number was 8.

She realised that the cabins were organised according to sex. All the even number cabins were on the right and were meant for the girls. Whereas, the boys got the odd numbers and the left side of this god-awful camp.

She took a turn for the right and stood before her ligneous cabin. Her 'roomie' had apparently already made herself comfortable by hanging a hammock on the side frames of the log house. She closed her eyes, counted to ten and walked up the small step that lead to the main door. The cabin itself, gave a warm and cosy vibe. The wood, pin and grass dew mixed together complimented the senses and Blaize found herself relaxing a small amount.

She knocked on the door and walked in.

Myra Gibson was no where to be seen. The whole cabin was empty. Blaize looked around and noticed that her mother wasn't joking. The cabin was really something else.

The two twin-sized beds were on opposing sides of the room. The room itself could fit in more than a hundred people. There were study desks, closets, bedside tables and even a mini-fridge, all coming in two's to accommodate both the residents.

The floors were wooden and she could see that Myra had sorted everything on her side of the room out.

The only thing missing was a interior bathroom, all Blaize could see was a small hushed corner chamber that held a sink and a toilet. 

Blaize snickered. She liked the idea of  co-ed shower/bath quarters.

Just as she placed her suitcase on her bed, the door forced open and a person fumbled in giggling quietly.

Blaize turned around to see what she assumed was her new roommate Myra Gibson.








Lots of love,


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