Chapter 1

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I threw the ball in the air and quickly got in position and hit the baseball. I was only one at the field today and had to pitch for myself. It's harder than it looks.

After many tries I eventually hit the ball. I realized it never hit the ground. Then I realized someone caught it. It was a boy around my age. He was quite good looking.

"Why exactly is a pretty girl like you playing baseball? Shouldn't you be with your pretty little softball team or something?" The boy said. I was quite appalled by what he said.

"That's pretty sexist if you ask me. Not all girls play softball, can't a girl enjoy baseball just as much as a boy?" I retorted.

"I bet you can't even name 5 teams on the spot!" He challenged. I raised my eyebrows.

I replied immediately," Cubs, Mets, Tigers, Dodgers, Angels, and Brewers. Oh wait, that's six!! Do you want me to keep going?"

"Oh I stand corrected there is one girl in the world with good taste in sports," he said.

"Why thank you!" I started sarcastically,"now that you are here pitch for me."

"So demanding! I don't even know your name."

"Alexa, what's yours?"

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, My name is  Dylan," he replied.

"So flattering," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. I'm not the type to swoon over guys real quick.

"Now that we are on a first name basis, pitch!" I exclaimed.

"What's the magic word?"

I rolled my eyes. "Please!"

"Okay okay you didn't have to beg!" He said sarcastically.

"Just pitch the damn ball!" I yelled.

After a few hours of him pitching the ball and me hitting I had to leave to go home for dinner with my family. If I wasn't on time tonight my mom would kill me. I had been late the past week and my mom is already about to chop my head off. I'm sorry if baseball is more important than dinner! And that's saying something, I love food!

I started to put my bat in my bag and get ready to go.

"Well Dylan, thanks for pitching for me. I have to go or my mom will flip," I said.

"Bye Lexie," he said while waving.

Lexie? Why did he have a nickname for me we just met.

I started to walk home, my house was just down the street. My dad had purposely bought a house near a baseball diamond. Before I was born he had a dream of me playing baseball. He loves it. Since he had died when I was little I'm trying to be the best player I can be to make him proud.

I walked into my house and made it right on time.

"Hey mom! I'm home!" I yelled.

"Oh good! You are on time for once!" She exclaimed. I sat at the dinner table and we started eating.

"Honey you're never early what happened?" She asked.

"Well Dylan was pitching to me and I was batting but I had remember a few hours went by and I need to be on time so I came on time," I blurted out.

"Wait who is Dylan?A boy?" She asked.

"Yeah I met him today at the baseball diamond," I said weirded out.

"I want to meet him text him and invite him to dinner. AWE YOU MET A BOY!" My mom said basically fangirling. I only met a boy gosh! I don't even like him!

"One I just met him and don't like him. Two I don't even have his number, he doesn't go to my school either."

"Dang it."

"Why are you so excited about me meeting a boy anyway? Shouldn't you be trying to stop me from dating?"

"It's just you've never brought a boy home for reasons other than playing baseball," my mom said.

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes as I got up to go to my room.

I wonder if I'm every going to see Dylan again.



I hope you guys liked it!!

-Kenzie <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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