1 - The Orange Colored Walls

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Lilly ran upstairs, she swipped her tears away. "Lilly!" Her mom yelled from below but Lilly didn't want to look behind her, she was so sick of it.

When she reached her room, she slammed the door behind her and let herself fall on bed. She lay there for a moment with her face pressed in her pillow. After a few minutes just lying there, she turned around on her back and stared at her orange colored walls. She always hated the colour of those walls, but she never had time to paint them. Her bed was placed close to the door on the left side of her room. On the other side, there was a big old wooden wardrobe with posters of teen idols all over it. Above her desk in the corner next to the wardrobe, hang a blackboard with pictures of her and her friends. She admired the pictures for a while, they brought up good memories. In most of the pictures, her hair was short and it barely touched her shoulders. It was a lot longer now. She had light brown curly hair which almost reached the middle of her back, but she mostly weares it in ponytails. Lilly had dark brown eyes and a small turned up nose. She never wore much make-up, only mascara. Her clothing style was kind of casual, she loved wearing oversized hoodies the most and always wore All-Stars.

It was raining softly outside, the sound of the drips against the window relaxed her. She loved the sound of rain. Fluffels, her five-year-old bunny stared at her from his cage, on Lilly's nightstand. While staring back at his cute blue eye, she heard someone coming. The door opened quietly. "Lilly?" said her brother while he walked inside. He sat down at the end of the bed next to her. "Are you okay?" he asked. Lilly looked up into his dark brown eyes. Alex's brown hair was a little more entangled than usual from running upstairs. He was wearing his favorite red t-shirt with that rapper on it again, he looked worried at her. "Just go away Alex." She turned her back at him, looking at her window again. "Seriously Lilly, I know this isn't easy for you, but it isn't easy for me either! Please talk to me about this," he said with a soft voice. Lilly noticed her brother meant it. Normally he would just pretend to care for her, so he could laugh afterwards if she believed him. But this time it seemed real. She sat back up and stared in front of her at her books on her shelve next to the window. "I just don't get it" she sighed. "Why, why do we have to leave this place? We lived here since forever, I love it here, my friends are here...This place is all we have left from dad." Her voice quivered while saying that. She misses her dad a lot. She drifted off thinking about what she remembered of him, staring through her window. Looking at the water dripping slowly down from it.

"It just doesn't make any sense," she sighed, looking at her brother again, "And seriously? To our grandparents' house, who we never even met? In the middle of freakin' nowhere? No Thank you!" Alex chuckled, "I hate the idea too, believe me. But mom really wants us to go there. Besides, she tells me the house in in the middle of a huge forest, sounds exiting to me though," he smiled, staring in front of him for a while, probably thinking of some exploring he could do there. Then looked back at Lilly. "But she's being kind of weird about it. Like there is something she's not telling us." He said with a frowning face.

"I guess we don't have a choice, do we," Lilly said sadly. "No we don't," Alex agreed. "Let just make the best of it I'd say. Maybe it won't be that bad there after all." "Yeah you might be right." Alex was only 15 but he always knew how to convince her. Lilly looked back in front of her at her bookshelf. Alex followed her look "Why do you even read all of that crap? Don't you have something better to do in your life? I mean, You're 17 and you only read those stupid books! You never even had a boyfriend. And I think, that those books might even be the reason." Alex really hated reading, he thinks he's to cool for that. Lilly laughed. "You're just too dumb to read, Alex. I enjoy reading, I learn so much from those books. You would too if you'd give it a try." "Yeah sure, whatever," he said annoyed. He stood up and walked to the cage of Fluffels and made weird faces at the bunny, who didn't move, nor respond at all.
"Pff. You're as boring as my sister, little friend" He glanced at Lilly and walked out of the room.

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