Chapter 1

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"Your so ugly!" A popular girl said to me.

"At least I don't have an ugly heart!" I shot back at her. Amelia Jones, the queen of mean. I already knew how the girls were divided up; the populars, the paparazzi (wannabes!) the smarty's (me), the Olympians, the troublemakers and the others. I had known all along that I was to be a smarty, which wasn't that bad since people respect me for that. Especially when my smart-ass kicks in! Amelia just huffed and sashayed away from me. My other smarty friends were just chilling in the library for the next five minutes. I looked at my watch; 8:00 am. We have five minutes left till school starts! I decided to bail on them and get to math class early. I hate being late! I rushed to my class and saw Mr. Holter just scrolling on his computer. I went in quietly and placed my books on my desk and tiptoed out. I didn't want to carry that heavy load any longer! I rushed out to see a group of boys chatting and that's when I spotted HIM. Jack Polar. I no longer had a crush on him, but he always made me tingly inside. I walked over all cool, my round rimmed glasses shining in the hallway lights. I walked passed him and one of his friends called out to me, "Freddie!" I spun around and saw his face fall. That's the third time I've been mistaken for a boy this year! I stuck my tongue at him, showing my golden braces. My short brown hair made a small flip as I stomped to my classroom. The only thing that actually was not 'ugly' on me was that I was skinny. So that was a good thing.

The bell ringed just when I got in the door. My smarty friends were already there sitting in my area of single desks. My Bestie, Eva, waved at me. She could be considered the popular crowd, but she was very smart. Everyone called her the 'beauty and the brains'. At least she got that title! The other kids poured into the classroom when the bell was still ringing. Then it stopped and I looked at my watch; "five, four,three,two-", I counted down and I saw the popular come in 'fashionably' late. "That's a new record!" I laughed and bent over to Eva. She just giggled. I saw Amelia scan us for any 'room' for her. The others did too. What a bunch of cheaters! All of our single desks were filled by what she says, 'nerds'. On regular days we don't exactly go in one group like this, but on test days, we have no choice. There was about a row of us, so that would mean eight of us in all. Eva was in front of me (the very front of the row), and Gary was in the back of me. I turned around on my seat and gave him high five to tell him good luck, even though we didn't really need it. Mr. Holter handed out the math test and Eva turned around on her chair. It was time for the smarty test ritual! "Today! Today! We are getting a test! Do not cheat and do your best!" We all said aloud. Mr. Holter just smiled while the popular girls were like 'wtf'! That saying was made so we would all remember each other.

It was hard to make out a smarty in EastWest Junior High. It was a cheesy saying but our leader, (King Walter) made it up in grade four I think. That's why we call him 'leader', 'sir', 'boss', 'your majesty', etc. I had to admit, he was getting cuter every year! King Walter has dated every smarty girl here except me, since we agreed that we would only stay best friends. When King Walter was sick, he would appoint me in charge, I don't know why. I was highly respected for that. I saw the populars grumble as they got there test. "But I didn't study!" Kara Anderson whined. Mr. Holter ignored her as he passed the tests some more. I was pretty sure she was going to cry fake tears and get her mascara to drip. Eva and I giggled while I saw a smile escape Gary's lips behind his book. When the tests were finally passed out, Mr. Holter finally announced those words; "you have this whole period to complete this test! You can!" And all the smarty's pencils made skid marks on the paper as we wrote incredibly fast. The populars just eyed at our papers from a distance to see what our answers were.

But we had the technique to write fast so no one would copy our papers. I looked over a bit and saw Jack Polar slowly doing his test. I sighed as I looked at him. He still made me get butterflies in my stomach! But he always ignored me, so I have gotten over him long ago. I returned to my test and got to work again. About ten minutes later, the smarty's started passing "are you done yet", to each other. Everyone nodded and King Walter got up and went in front of the line. Then the others did. I was second last. King Walter winked at me and I just smiled and made my way to the back of the line. Eva followed too. Our line made our way through the maze of desks to Mr. Holter's desk. Everyone gave us funny looks. In the rulebook of smartitics, made especially by the smarty Derrick, chapter four page two paragraph three, it stated; "when done a test, everyone must go up and hand in there test together". We were very committed. "You guys can go outside! My treat!" Mr. Holter whispered. Mr. Holter knew how the smarty processed worked since we explained to him. The teachers always put us in the same class, no matter what. Mr. Holter and us looked at our King who scratched his chin and nodded in approval.

We cheered quietly and King Walter lead the way. The teachers were smiling at us as we walked down the aisle in an orderly fashioned. "Who explained this all to the teachers in our grade anyway?" I whispered to Eva behind me. She just shrugged her shoulders and we continued through the hallway. Then the front stopped and I bumped into Gary. King Walter turned around,"I want Maxine up here", he ordered. Eva winked at me and I walked to the front. I went behind him and we continued walking until we got to the doors. His majesty pushed the door open and I felt the warm breeze of summer hit me. I then felt a hand grab my arm and I was pulled by King Walter himself. He smiled at me and I smiled back, showing my braces. Soon, I would be getting them off. Everyone ran in an in-orderly fashion, talking to there smart buddy. Eva was talking with Zachary Branch as she walked towards us. Everyone here was a few inches taller than me. Ya, I'm pretty short. I looked at my watch and saw 8:30 glowing on it. Thirty minutes outside! That's pretty awesome! When we got to the field we all sat down panting and coughing. Everyone here did not like exercising at all! When the side effects where'd off, everyone decided to play Marco Pollo, just like in elementary school.

I declined playing since I was too tired. His majesty just sat there too looking at them. King Walter had nice black hair and black big circled rimmed glasses. He was getting very cute. I looked and saw the person in the middle was Gary. He was walking around like a zombie trying to tag a person. "Gary use your other senses!" I yelled at him. King Walter chimed in, "listen to Maxine!" I just smiled and I watched some more.

"Maxine hello?" My mom said. I quickly got out of my flashback of grade seven and came to face her. She gasped as she saw me. "What is it mom?" I questioned her. The only thing different about me was that my hair was long in a pony tail, I was taller, I no longer had braces and I was wearing contacts today. I was wearing a dark blue long sleeved shirt, jeans and black flats. What the heck is wrong with her? I was ready to go to school and she was stalling. I didn't bother putting a jacket on since it was autumn and I grabbed my book bag. "I'm just excited about your first day in grade ten!" She stuttered and smiled. What was the real truth?

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