Chapter 7

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The experiment was quite easy. We were making a deathly acid from the leaves. Mr. Hunt told us to be careful or we will seriously get burned. My partner this time for this experiment was Cordelia. "My crush texted me! Cover me!" She whispered when her phone made a beep. I did a salute as to say 'yes ma'am!' She hid behind my back while texting and I worked on the experiment like nothing was up. Mr. Hunt came to me and squinted at the chemicals. I held my breath and when he left, I let out the carbon dioxide that was held in my lungs. Science talk. Cordelia popped out behind me to scan the area for Mr. Hunt. "All clear", I assured her. She put the phone in her lab coat and helped me with the experiment. "Guess what?!?" She almost yelled.


"Michael Gate wants to take me to the movies!" Cordelia said as her smile grew wide. Her and I screamed and jumped up and down in an excited frenzy. Everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. "Uh what's going on girls?" Mr. Hunt questioned. What are we supposed to say? "We finished the experiment", Cordelia beamed in. She then put the last drop of liquid in the beaker and the chemical turned green without blowing up. Mr. Hunt came up to us to see if we were lying and when he saw the finished experiment, he smiled. "I know science is exciting, but you don't have to scream in enjoyment!" He joked. We smiled and then he walked away. We looked at each other and let out a silent breath of relief. "I saw the whole thing!" King Walter smiled while looking at his chemical filled beaker. Cordelia and I just giggled. I then looked at Zachary with his partner Annie. Zachary was blushing while Annie was doing the experiment. If only Annie knew how Zachary felt for her. I then looked away and saw King Walter's and Derrick's chemicals had turned the final green. "Huzzah!" Derrick laughed. Cordelia and I clapped at there success while the King and Derrick bowed formally. After the four of us just talked about life, waiting for the others to finish. Eva and Gary were last to finish because Gary accidentally put the wrong chemical in, ruining the experiment. So they had to start all over.

When the finally finished, the lunch bell had ringed. "Aw! We didn't even get to chat!" Gary complained. "We'll your the one who had to spill that chemical in!" Eva blamed him.

"We'll your the one who didn't specifically tell me which chemical to get!" Gary shot back.

"I thought you would have the brain to know which one to get, Gary!"

"At least I have a brain!"

"Oh no you didn't!" Eva went sassy on him.

"Oh yes I did!"

You could hear them bickering like an old couple down the hallway. It attracted a lot of eavesdroppers; "stop fighting children", Annie joked. Eva and Gary looked up and noticed they had attracted the eyes of people. They stopped fighting, but they still gave that glare to each other. When we got to the cafeteria, I grabbed my money and waited in line. Then an immature boy budged me to be with his friend. I immediately recognized the jerk, one of the dumbest people I have ever met, Freddie Whence. "No budging allowed idiot!" I said to him. He and his friend Kale Jonson turned around to face me. "He's my friend so he stays!" Kale stood up for him.

"Ya!" You could hear the dumb in Freddie's voice, "besides cars budge other cars all the time on roads!" Stupid analogy.

"First you can't drive, second that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life and third, get to the back of the damn line dumb ass!" I ordered him. Kale looked at him a bit scared, but Freddie stood his ground. "You can't tell me what to do, ugly duckling!" He laughed. "No I can't, but did you see my fight on BlueBlog yet?" That made the two of them get out of line and run to the back. I had won! I waited for this girl to finish and I was at the order station! "What can I get you?" The lunch lady asked politely.

"May I please have some spaghetti with sauce?" I replied. The lunch lady smiled and she immediately got it. "Thanks!" I said and I walked to the lunch table my friends 'claimed'. I was walking minding my own business when one of the popular girls, Jamie Joe tripped me right then and there. "Aw crap!" I said in mid air. I was ready for the spaghetti to get over my clothes as it flew up in the air. But it never came. I was on my back and saw that I had caught the plate in my hand. Luck! I looked to the right and saw the popular girls mouth open. I got up and walked the rest of the way to my table as if nothing happened. Everyone in the cafeteria had there mouths open. I put my food on the table and sat down. "You have some serious fast reflex's", Zachary commented with food in his mouth.

"Nuh uh uh! Don't talk with food in your mouth!" Annie joked. Zachary just blushed.

I just sighed. Not because of that trip incident or when I got into a huge fight with Amelia Jones, it was because I felt like everything was changing in my life rapidly. "What's wrong Maxine?" Eva asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired".

"We'll I would be tired too if I just got tripped and caught spaghetti!" Derrick laughed while reading a book.

"Try getting tripped everyday at school in Junior high!" I laughed.

I don't think that really brightened the mood up. It just made everyone sadder.

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