Chapter 12

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"Now why don't we get out of here."

Kai said helping Ray up who had a little trouble walking. But Kai helped him to the stairs that lead up to the top floor and out of the warehouse.

"Y-yeah lets."

Ray said leaning against Kai's shoulder. They continued to the stairs Ray stumbling a few times but still made it to the stairs where everyone else was waiting for them to come up.


"Huh Tyson's here."

Ray asked as he walked slowly toward the stairs and looked at Kai who just nodded confirming that it was true and that Ray wasn't just hearing things.

"Yeah and so is Max and some other guy."

Kai said helping Ray up the stairs slowly but steadily. But Kai's last words were still in Ray's head as he and Kai finally got up and out of the basement.

"Other guy?"

When they reached the top of the stairs and into the hallway Ray had to squint his eyes from the bright light that hit his face so suddenly that it made him groan and turn his head and hid his face in Kai's shoulder.

"Hey Ray are you ok?"

Lee said as he looked at him with a worried look on his face but it soon turned into a bright smile as Ray looked up at him with a shocked look on his face and was speechless.


"What are you angry that I'm here?"

"Yes I mean no but what are you doing here?"

"I came to help get you back."

"Yea Ray Lee was really upset when we told him that you were kidnapped."

Tyson said as he smiled at him and nodded continuously as he then explained the whole part of their plan after Kai left in search of Ray. The plain was pretty much this, Tyson and Max went to find Lee which from what Chi told them was Ray's best friend, so they found Lee and told them what happened and Lee agreed with little difficulty and so they went in search of Ray and Kai and soon ended up where they were now.

"R-really Lee."


Then with that said Ray looked at everyone and than last but not least he looked at Kai and smiled. His smile was so bright that it could have light up a dark room in an instant with all the happiness that he was showing at the moment.

"T-Thank you all very much."

Ray said as he felt his eyes get heavy once again and went limp next to Kai who just smiled slowly and held him close.

"RAY!" everyone said at once.

"Shhhh, its ok guys, Ray is just tired."

Kai said as he picked him up and carried him bridle style out of the wear house followed by the rest of the group. They all went there separate ways home while Kai took Ray with him to his house. He was about to turn the corner to his street when a voice stopped him.


Kai turned around and saw that the person that made him stop was Lee and he just smiled and waited for Lee to continue what he had to say.

"Kai please take good care of him and keep me updated on his condition and if anything changes please let me know alright....he is like a brother to me so please tell me if anything goes wrong...please..."

Kai looked at Lee as he took all of his words in, he then looked at Ray who was sound asleep in his arms with a content smile on his face and was purring softly as he slept. After a few more minutes of looking at the sleeping angel he turned his attention to Lee who was waiting for his answer.

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