Part 3: Detention

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Meldy's PoV:

O.M.G!!!Oh.My.Fucking.God!!!!!!!!I can't even.She is my goddamned teacher!!!!I had a heart attack when she scared me like that,and another one when i saw who she was.Miss Bella Steele.STEELE!!! I can't believe.I barely menaged to keep a straight face on when she introduced her self.Ah.Steele and Grey.....Fifty shades of Meldy.I must have spaced out because everyone including miss Steele turned around to look at me.

I'm already used to getting looks from class.They also think that it would be better if i were dead.Both here and in high school.But,i don't really blame them,after all,everyone who knows me for more than 5 minutes has the same picture about me.It's just like that.

Ah,i wonder what would happen if Miss Steele knew more than 2% about me.I would probably have to see that look of disgust or pity in her eyes.Well,fuck it.I inserted my earphones and blasted Blue Stahli-"Burning bridges" and got lost in it so i didn't notice her coming to my desk.

I felt earphones being roughly pulled out of my ear.And there she stood above me,her sea eyes sparkling with mischief.Oh,no,please....Then she took my phone away.

"Hmm,i never heard of this,i'm gonna pull out the earphones so that everyone can hear it."

"Umm,Miss Steele,that isn't such a good idea...."I gulped hard while she smirked down at me

"Oh,sweety,it's an great idea."And with that she blasted it on full volume.And on that screaming part too.Oh god,here we go....




"She thinks that she's special"

"Silence class!!!!"Miss Steele said unusually enraged.I just kept on looking down,because if i looked up now,i would break down,and that's a no-no code.I heard her sigh and walk away with my phone in her hands.

"Wait,aren't you gonna return me my phone??"

"I am.On a detention."Oh shit.Just wonderfull.....


Bella's PoV:

I continued on explaining something on the board,but i couldn't help but glance at Meldy's direction from time to time.And right now,she looked so lost in tought.It was obvious that she wasn't listening to me.But,i wouldn't niether.This shit is boring as fuck.But...She kind of looks super sad right now....A

And,that's what i thought untill i heard her giggle.Well,now,that was the cutest thing ever.WAIT,WHAT??!! Bella,she's a girl,and younger than you,and your student.What the hell is wrong with me??

So for the rest of time i just kept going on with a lecture not looking at her.But when i did,guess what i found?The sneaky little brat put on her earphones.Lools like i'm officaly going to be introduced to the troublemaker side of Meldy.Well,at least i could have some fun with this.

So i just got to her desk and waited till she noticed me.When she did,i pulled her earphones out of her ears,and blasted it to the class.What the hell is this?I didn't take her for the metal type,but then again...

Then i heard little coments like:

"Emo","Asshole","Outcast".I was really mad right now.How dare they talk like that about my Meldy.Wait,my??No,i didn't just think that.For fuck's sake.

"Wait,aren't you gonna return me my phone??"

"I am.On a detention." This is gonna be great,i thought.I'll try to get to know Meldy Grey better.


"You know,you can't sneak out without me noticing."She isn't that stupid.But she can't think that i am niether.

"Well,it would always work with others" Or so she said.....

"But i'm not "others""

"You're not....You are special..."And then she smiled.Like,smile-smiled,really smiled.Her perfect white teeth were showing  and her lips curled up in the most adorable way possible.i think that angel just fell from heaven.

"Everything ok?"She said smirking.I was staring for too long....fuck it.She caught me.I'm guilty.And for some unknown reason,i felt my face heat up."Y..Youur phone.Here."

I handed her the phone,and while she was taking it,our hands touched.i think that i just got a deadly voltage coursing through my body,and yet,i'm somehow still alive.How does she do this?

"So what now?Are we just gonna sit in here and do nothing??"Well,that wouldn't be bad at all...

"What were you doing on that tree today?"Seriously tho,when i heard the music from that abandoned yard,i pissed my pants.

"Taking a nap.".....Wat?

"You were taking a nap??On a tree??In a middle of nowhere???Why the hell couldn't you just nap at home in bed??"

"To answer your question one by one,Yes,Yes,Yes,and i have my own reasons"


"You know,i should be more surprised,nobody comes there,so when i heard somebody,i shited my pants."

What??Language Young lady!!!!Meldy,you and your mouth,you're lucky you're so perfect,or else....

"Watch it Meldy."I said in a more strict tone this time,and she just smirked.Arogant huh??"So,you have any sibilings??"I don't know why i asked that,but,if there are some little and noisy wersions of her,i'd love to just hug them,and squeze them,and...ugh

"Umm..."Her face showed so much pain it was actually impossible not to notice.Maybe i really shouldn't have asked that....

"I..I had a brother.."Oh.Shit.Had????I so shouldn't have asked.But before i said anything,she spoke:

"Don't apologize,he died in a wreck more than 6 years ago,i got over it."Oh,honey,from the look on your face,you have anything but got over it.....

"Well,what about your parents,how did they take that?"And,as i mentioned her parents,she cringed,and for a second i thought that she was gonna storm off,and curse me out.I should stop asking,but i heard a faint response

"Same..."Same??What's that supposed to mean,i wanted to drown her in questions,but i knew better.So i just let that go.We were quiet for a couple of moments,and i had the need to break the silence."So,why do i hear that you are a local troublemaker??"

"Maybe because i am??"Well,well,well,little miss perfect isn't so perfect.

"But,you don't seam like that type to wreck havoc,do you?"

"You don't seem like the nosy and curious type niether"Ouch,she's smart...

"Touche"She smirked.And we stayed alone for a couple more moments till i just had to blurt out:

"You are perfect,you know that?"FUCK!!!!I DIDN'T JUST!!!And then i watched her eyes go wide in horror of what i had just said.I freaked her out.Me and my big mouth.Stupid!!!A smal whimper caught my atention.When i looked up,she had tears rolling down her cheeks.Oh,god,i made her cry.IDIOT!!!Something in my chest became thight and painful,so i jumped out of my seat and kneeled by her side.I wiped her tears away with my thumb,and held her perfect face in between my hands before i enveloped her in a tight embrace.

"Hey..."I said as softly as i could"Don't cry,please,i'm so sorry.I know that i asket too many questions that you probably didn't want to answer,and,i'm soo sorry if i freaked you out."She just burried her head in my shoulder and kept silent.She was so warm.I could feel her strong back muscles under my arms,and while she was so well built,and wasn't small at all,in this moment shi did seem so small and fragile,that i couldn't help but tighten my grip on her.I don't even know why i care this much about a girl that i have known less than 5 hours,but,i do.Damn me.

"I...I'm not perfect"She said so quietly that i barely heard it."I'm anything but perfect"Oh.....So,that's the problem

"But,sweety,you are,i mean,look at you,you are tall,beautiful,strong,inteligent,and when i passed those awards earlier,most of them were yours.So don't say that,please."Why can't she see herself from my eyes?Then she moved away from me,breaking the embrace,and i'd be lying if i said that i didn't miss her watmth.Her eyes were red,and her full pink lips looked so kissable right now....STOP I RIGHT THERE!!This shouldn't be going this way!!Oh,no,i didn't just think that,that is just because i haven't had anyone in months,so,that was nothing!!!

"I'm sorry,your shirt's all wet now.And on top of it all,you had to deal with my breakdown,i'm soo soo sorry"She than flashed me a beautiful smila that was full of pain.I think that i just felt my heart breaking.

"No,it's ok,you have to let it out sometimes,you know.She just nodded and looked down again.I held my finger under her chin to make her look up.When she did,i saw some kind of emotion in her eyes that i didn't recognize.somehow,i had to asure her that she didn't freak me out.."You know,whenever you need to just let it out,i'm going to be here,Ok??Whenever you need me"

For the first time,her eyes glimmered with hope,and i just couldn't help myself,and i kissed her forhead.

"Thanks Miss Steele.It really means a lot to me."

"It's ok,and by the way,call me Bella when we're alone"I winked at her then

"Ok Meldy

All of me (GirlxGirl) TeacherxStudent Lesbian storyWhere stories live. Discover now