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-Sarah's POV-

I woke up a week ago. It's been a week, and I can't remember any of it. I sit in this bed, talking to people and watching the world go bye, but I don't remember any of it. Two days after I woke up, Malia gave me a gold dog tag. She said it was Brett's, that he threw it at her. Flipping it over in my fingers, I traced over the engraving on the back. The date was the first Lacrosse game I had, and the first time he said he loved me. He whispered it to me, and then I went off and played a Lacrosse game. Pulling the chain over my head, I let it fall against my neck. Staring ahead of me, I sighed. Taking deep breaths, I was glad I could breath again. Malia walked into my room, smiling at me. She sat down on my bed, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey." She whispered.

"Hey." I said. I had fully recovered from the surgery, but I hadn't recovered fully from that night in the hospital. My mind flashed back to Kate in the hallway, Brett dying on a gurney.

"Sarah, you know you don't have to go back today. We all understand." She said, and I just shook my head.

"It's fine Malia, I'll be downstairs in ten." I said, and she sighed in defeat.

"Okay, see you down there." She said, leaving my room. Crawling out of my bed, I walked over to my dresser. Pulling my shirt off, I glanced down at the scars on my chest. Sighing, I dug through my dresser. Grabbing a black tank top, I tugged it on. Pulling on a pair of dark washed blue jeans, I walked to my closet. It had grown cold here since I was in the hospital. Grabbing a red and black flannel, I pulled it on. Rolling up the sleeves, I grabbed a black beanie. Pulling it on, I grabbed my black jacket. The chest was leather, and the sleeves were grey sweatshirt fabric. Grabbing my bag, I walked down the stairs. I had put my mascara on quickly, and grabbed a muffin. Malia walked out of the living room, and smiled at me. She grabbed her jacket, and we were out the door.


Arriving at school, I got stares left and right. Kids whispered to each other, and avoided me in the halls. I reached my locker, and almost threw up. Signs covered it. Get well soon, we're sorry. We miss him. Tearing down all the signs, I threw them in the near by garbage can. Opening my locker, I took my jacket off. Tossing it in my locker, I grabbed my text books. Closing my locker, I sighed. Heading to Econ, I sat down in a desk. Kids still stared at me, some even pointed. Putting my bag on the ground, I opened my book. Waiting for class to start, Stiles and Scott walked in. Sitting on either side of me, they stared at me.

"Hey guys." I said, and they smiled.

"Hey Sarah." Scott said.

"How are you?" Stiles asked.

"Fine." I said.

"We all know the scale goes, good, okay, bad and then fine." Stiles said, and I shot him a glare. "Okay, never mind." He said. The bell rang, and Coach walked in front of the class.

"Sarah, it's good to have you back." He said, and I smiled.

"It's good to be back." I said, and he nodded.

"Well alright then," he started, but the door swung open. Lydia walked in, shaking her head. "Ms. Martin, mind being on time?" Coach said, and Lydia looked up at him.

"Sorry." She mumbled, sitting down. I raised my eyebrow in questioning, and she looked at me.

Class dragged on, and on, and on. When the bell finally rang, everyone rushed out of the room. Lydia still sat in her desk, and I walked up to her.

"Lydia, you okay?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I'm fine." She said, standing up from her seat. She rushed out the door, and I was left alone. Shaking my head, I walked out into the hall. Passing time was busy and cramped, but I always managed to squeeze my way between people. But today, everybody parted ways for me. They saw me coming, and they moved as soon as they could. I sighed, walking back to my locker. Unlocking it, someone came up beside it. It was the head cheerleader.

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