Chapter 5

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Hiya I promised I would update
today so I am keeping my promise! Now this one is going to be a long one. Enjoy!

Nicole's P.O.V

(Y/n) had left for work but she was only going in for an hour. I did scold her for working on the weekend but she just snapped back at me. This cat of hers as well turned back up at the balcony. (y/n) yelled at me because I threw the flea bag out. To be honest I didn't regret it. However my mind was on nothing but what happened with Dan. I had been dating Dan for other a year now and everything was okay. Well until he started getting creepily jealous. But then he got violent. My mother always taught both (y/n) and I that we could not date a beater and to stand up to them. So doing as my mother would have wanted me too.


I walked into the house only to see Dan sitting in our arm chair with a bottle of whisky in his hands. This dark look covered his face as he waited for me to return home.

"Hey Dan..." I mumbled feeling my body already shaking. We had an argument the night before and now my boss and co workers were getting suspicious as the bruises I was gaining on my face. My make up wouldn't cover it properly. Suddenly Dan ran over to me with his fists clenched.

"You're late." He grumbled. Looking down at my wrist watch I saw I was actually 5 minutes late than my usual time. Giving him a soft smile he let out a growl.

"Are you cheating on me?" Dan spat. But as I wiped the spit off of my face I seemed to anger him even more. Next thing I knew I had been slammed into a wall by our lamp with Dan's face literally inches away from mine. Shaking slightly I knew he was going to punch me. However I was not going to back down. Moving quickly I grabbed our small lamp and hit him across the head. Gasping I looked down at the male lying on the floor. Running as fast as I could I went into the bedroom and shoved a couple of clothes into a bag. The only place I could go and feel safe was round my sisters (y/n). I hadn't seen her in a while and Dan didn't know where she lived so it would be safe there. So putting on my coat I ran outside of our house into the pouring rain.

End of Flashback!

Deciding to go and restock (y/n)'s fridge as a surprise I walked down the street feeling a lot better about life. However as I walked past a weird abandoned alley way my arm was grabbed. As I went to scream for any form of help a rough hand covered my mouth. But the thing that scared me the most was that I knew the smell of the person's cologne. It was Dan. My head came into harsh contact with the wall as he shoved me against it. Closing my eyes in pain I tried to wake myself up from what ever dream I was in. Though when I opened my eyes I knew I was not dreaming. In Dan's right hand was a small blade. Even though it was small blade I knew he could do some damage by it.

"Dan please what are you doing?" I whimpered feeling tears spring in my eyes. Dan gave a dark chuckle.

"Oh my dear Nicole I am fed up of your bullshit! So now I am going to send you to the place you belong!" Dan cackled. Staring at him I really didn't think he was going to do it but when he brought the blade to my neck I was finally sure he was going to kill me if someone didn't help me. Just then I felt it pierce my neck slightly as it cut a small part of my neck letting blood trickling down my neck. Squeezing my eyes shut I didn't want to look into his eyes as he killed me.

"Look at me!" He screamed in my face. Turning my head away from him I tried to find anything I could get away from him even if I could only get into the street. Someone should have heard him by now but no one came to help. His hand clenched my jaw which forced me to look around at him.

"I love you so much. So much...I will join you sweetie...we'll hold hands together in hell." Dan whispered softly into my ear. Tears were trickling down both of our faces. His hand drew back to stab me. My mind wandered to (y/n) and wished the last conversation we had wasn't an argument.

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