Chapter One

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*Breaking News*

"Seventeen women killed and one miraculously escaped. Serial killer Jeffery Carol convicted of seventeen counts of man slaughter and one count of attempted man slaughter. Carol pleaded guilty  and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Victim Rose Galloway convinced the jury to not sentence Carol to the death penalty in her testimony against him. The victim believed, "the killer should suffer the rest of his life in prison rather then just having a quick fix and ending his life." The defendants motive from the murders was from the lack of love and attention his parents gave him and angled it towards his little sister.

This all started Jeffrey's hatred towards young women who were specifically short brunettes, which was what his sisters appearance was and all of his victims. He was extremely jealous of his sister and faked her suicide by strangling her to death and then making a makeshift noose hanging her from her ceiling fan.

The year before today is the day Carol was taken into custody. And the day FBI agent Liam Payne saved the life of Rose Galloway. Our heart goes out to her and the victims family who we know have suffered an-"

I cut off the the news channel and decide that its better to not relive the whole incident that happened last year. My best friend has decided to take me out tonight to try and get my mind off of it for a few hours, which is ridiculous to me because I will never forget what happened on that fateful night.

It's about 8:00 and I should probably start getting ready. I make my way up to my room and decide to do my makeup. When I look in the mirror my eyes immediately go to the scar across my neck, it's forever a reminder of what happened to me. My parents tell me it is a blessing. That I'm the lucky one, that I'm the one that got away. But that wasn't because of me. It was because of agent Payne he was the one that saved me, I did not save myself.

I hate when people tell me how brave and courageous I am when in reality I did nothing. I was simply a damsel in distress waiting for someone to save me because I knew that I couldn't save myself.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear someone clear their throat in my doorway.

"Rosie you're not even ready!" My best friend Ashley shrieks. I turn to her and smile. 

She looks ready for a club. She is dressed in a red mini dress that is skin tight and hugs her body in a very flattering way paired with black stilettos, her short blonde hair is parted in the middle and frames her face nicely, and her makeup is done to perfection topped with red lipstick.

She smiles at me in return, "Are you ready for tonight?"

I shrug, "I don't know I just have a weird feeling about tonight, what if something happens?"

This time she frowns at me, "Rosie you seriously can't live the rest of your life in fear. That asshole is locked away and can't lay a finger on you anymore. You need to enjoy yourself and need to let go, you shouldn't be paranoid all the time."

I mentally go over what she just said and she's right I need to let loose and enjoy myself for once and I need to try to shake that nagging feeling that's always in the back of my mind warning me that there's danger around every corner. But then again her words do hurt, I went through something terrifying that most people can't even imagine going through.

She must have noticed that what she said hurt because she walks over and places her hand on my shoulder, "Look Rosie, I know that what you went through was beyond terrifying not just for you but for me as well. You're my best friend and I just want you to be happy tonight and to just try and not think about it, you owe that to yourself."

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