Chapter Two

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* A year prior *
It was a Thursday. I was out late at the library studying for finals at school. It was my senior year and I was so excited to finally start my adult life. I was looking forward to college, meeting new people and making unforgettable memories. My parents were out of town so I knew I'd be coming home to darkness.

Like I expected the house was dark and no one was home. It was eerily quite in the house, almost too quiet.

I shut the door and locked it behind me, I went to switch on the lights but nothing happened. I tried again but still nothing. That was weird there wasn't a storm or anything, maybe the bulb just went out.

I made my way into the kitchen through the darkness of the house, using the walls to guide me. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I did a quick once over around the room and that's when I came across the phone line, it was cut.

I heard a door slam, shattering the silence that filled the house previously.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it wasn't my parents but I called out for them anyway in an attempt to override my panicked thoughts.

I ran for the front door knowing that it wasn't them and I needed to get out. Anywhere would be better then here. I trapped myself in the house with an unwanted stranger.

When I got to the door I was met with an unrecognizable figure. He had a sickening grin on his face and a knife in one hand.

"Mommy and Daddy won't be back for a while little sister."


A loud jerk startled me and pulled me out of my nightmare. Except it wasn't a nightmare, it actually happened, it was real. And thankfully for me I got the pleasure of reliving that nightmare every chance I got.

I don't remember falling asleep. The last thing that I remembered was I was at a club and I met a boy who made me a secret drink.

Oh no

How could I be so stupid? Thinking I could have fun for a night, who am I kidding people like me don't have the privilege of having fun.

Okay, okay. Think Rose, figure out how to get yourself out of this. Figure out where you are.

I look up surveying the area I am in. It's dark.

Okay now feel the area out, what do you feel?

I'm moving, I must be in some sort of vehicle. My eyes start to adjust to the darkness and I can tell its a rather large space and I'm not alone in here.

There is a boy sitting across from me. I sit up, off the cold hard space I'm lying in. I notice who it is Louis.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask with a shaky voice.

He doesn't even look up at me.

My suspicions were right. I shouldn't of went out tonight, I should've listened to my instincts.

"Did you hear me?" I say, trying to control my voice and sound stronger then I really am.

This time he does look at me and I see so much emotion behind his eyes. But I can't put my finger on which one it is.

The van that we are in all of the sudden comes to a complete stop and I am jerked forward. I hit something soft, and when I look up I'm staring into Louis eyes.

They are so blue, a baby blue, just like the sky.

The back doors swing open and I am presented with my other abductor. He is fairly slim with dark hair and tan skin covered in tattoos.

"Out" the unknown man instructs.

Louis pushes me off him and slides out of the van,

Its my turn next so I do the same and slide out of the van. I'm expecting Louis to forcefully grab me and lead me away, butt he doesn't. His grip is firm on my shoulder and he guides me away and up to a huge farm house.

When we arrive inside the house I look around. It seems to be completely empty besides the three of us. I need to know what's going on, what they are planning on doing with me.

"Why are you both doing this?" My voice comes out weak and squeaky

The unknown boy looks at me with a devilish grin on his face, "wow no introductions? I see you just want to get right to the point don't you?"

I just stare back at him.

"Well I'm Zayn" he says nonchalantly, "and this is Louis, but you must already know that since he's the one that helped bring you here." He says while gesturing towards Louis. "And we all know who you are, don't we? The girl who escaped from Jeffery, with the help of that bastard Liam Payne."

"You're the one that everyone is so hung up on, you put Jeffery in prison. But not for long, we have big plans for you. And by the way thank you for not sentencing Jeffrey to the death penalty, that will help a lot." He states while plastering on a sickening smile.

"I don't understand" I say.

Louis finally speaks up, "we are doing what Jeffrey can not do. He is limited now that he's behind bars." While avoiding eye contact with me the entire time.

I stare blankly back at them, "what are you two getting at?" I ask.

"Are you really that dim?" Zayn says with disgust lacing his words, "we are avenging him for fucks sake! We are taking care of his unfinished business."

His unfinished business being me. They brought me out here to kill me. I can feel my face draining of color and feel faint. I can't believe this. I have to be just in one of my nightmares and I'll wake up any second.

I look up and take them both in. Louis is looking down and Zayn, well he is taking pleasure in me. He's enjoying watching me squirm under his eye, realizing that I'm going to die and will never leave this house.

Zayn starts to chuckle, "and you know what? The best part about this is we aren't even going to do it, Jeffery will be doing it himself."

*evil zayn hahaha :D *

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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