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"Are you okay Michael?" I ask him as he drops his head to his hands. He just shakes his head no. I reach to rub his back, but he quickly stands up and chucks Ezra's phone-full-of-hate at the wall.

"I don't know what to do Mika," Michael cries as he sits back down.

My hand makes it to his back this time, so I rub it and rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm just as lost as you, but we can't let those kids get away with this. That's cyber bullying Michael. You need to take his phone to the school and show his principal, if it still works. Those kids need to get in trouble."

"That'll just cause him more issues," Michael says as he calms down.

"Maybe, but maybe not." I reply.

"I'm sorry," Michael chuckles. "This is supposed to be a date, not a drama fest."

"It's okay love," I tell him as I kiss the side of his cheek.

He turns his head towards me, so I kiss his lips. It's not a long kiss. It's a short, but sweet kiss.

"I hate to do this, but I'm kind of tired now." Michael tells me.

"That's okay," I chuckle. "How about we pick this up tomorrow?" I ask.

Michael smiles, "I'd love to."

Michael walks me to my car and kisses me goodnight. I drive back to my LA house with a giant smile on my face.

I really like him...


The next morning I'm awoken by someone banging on my front door. "What the hell," I whine to myself as I throw a pillow over my head.

"Mika!!!!" I hear a very unfortunate voice shouting, Fortune.

"If it's not one sibling it's the fucking other," I say to myself as I make my way towards the front door.

"Wow," Fortune says as I open the door. "Good thing I didn't bring London," he laughs as he pushes his way in the door.

I then look down. I'm naked. Just lovely.

"Mel!" Fortune shouts happily as Mel runs up to him and jumps on him. I cover myself as I walk by him and Mel to my room.


After I take a little extra time getting ready Fort and I head out to a nearby park with Mel to have a little picnic and to catchup a bit.

"So," Fort says as he shoves half of his sandwich into his mouth.

"So, you do know you have all afternoon to eat that sandwich? You don't have to devour it in one bite." I interrupt.

"Oh shut it," he chuckles as he almost chokes. "Rumor has it that you have a new boyfriend."


"Perez," Fort laughs. "I saw a post on his site. Well a friend sent it to me."

"I'm glad that your friends keep tabs on me for you," I roll my eyes.

"It's Sarah. She's your friend to," he replies.

"Well," I start. "I'm not dating him. We just went out on a date that lasted a whole two minutes."

"Wow, two minutes? That's a record. You've lost your game brother," Fort laughs as he tosses the ball for Mel whose been waiting patiently.

"His son had a little life crisis. We went back to his place and-"

"You didn't?!"

"Don't interrupt," I tell him. "We didn't. Almost, but we didn't. Like I said his son had a life crisis."


"He came out and social media just got out of hand and abused." I tell him.

"Social media sucks."

"That it does Fort. That it does," I agree.

"So, this guy...are you going to see him again?" Fort asks.

"I want to, but I have no idea if he wants to." I reply honestly.

"Reach out to him. He probably wants to, but doesn't wanna seem clingy. I'm sure he likes you. What's not to like? Your goofy limbs? Or you're obnoxious attitude?" Fort laughs.

I throw a pile of grapes at him.


"Hey yourself!" I shout back as my phone rings.

Before I can grab my phone, Fortune does.

"Hello, you've reached Mika Penniman. How may I assist you today? A back massage? A bj? A-"

"Hello?" I answer after snatching the phone from Fortune.

"Mika?" Michael laughs into the phone.

"Oh my god! I am so so sorry!" I tell him as I punch Fortune's arm.

"It's okay," he laughs. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over. Maybe have a late lunch?"

"I'd love to," I tell him as I take a bite of my sandwich. "What time?" I ask.

"How about thirty minutes?"

"Sounds good. I might be a bit longer actually. I was just at the park with my brother and my dog Mel."

"That's okay. Don't rush. You can bring them both if you want..."

"I'm not sure if you wanna meet Fort. He's a little full of himself," I tell Michael. Fortune deservingly flips me off.

"I'm sure he and Ezra can hangout while we get to know each other a little better?"

"That sounds good," I tell him as I blush slightly.

"Awe," Fortune says. I flip him off.

"And the backyard is fenced off, so Mel can run around," Michael informs me.

"That sounds awesome. I'll see you in a bit then love," I tell him before hanging up.

"Love?" Fortune smiles.

"Shut up," I tell him.

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